This is bad advice
What if the guy is busy, as a guy he has his own life. Women complain about clingy guys but then complain if they call too much. If a girl is so demanding that a guy must always met her arbitrary emotions that will turn off a guy(or woman).
In relationships alot of people tend to look at the other person. However the other person can only guide and work with you. They can’t constantly generate everything for you. That is called dependency and is usually destructive.
This advice can only be rationalized if the person (partner) has nothing to do, which funny enough is given by a teenage roommate. Even then, the person my like alone time to develop themselves. If it only takes three days for someone to feel that undervalued then this is not a healthy relationship.
How much do you trust him, does he hide secrets, does he value your principals, does he sincerely consider you, does he make compromises with you, does he treat you like a human being. These are more important critical things to look for than, OMG three days passed so he doesn’t like/ possible love me so therefore he is abusing me.
Women do this to men all the time(alot more than men do it to women), chances are you will probably do it to him at some point. This is more telling about the communication level of the people in the relationship. If communication is poor, then it is a poor relationship.
If you don’t trust a guy after three days then you don’t believe he is a good person. You should not be with that person (you clearly don’t trust him) and he should not be with you (because you don’t trust him). In relationships its more important to work on yourself than your partner. To be the best person you can be for you and your partner. Not worry about things like this which are so trivial and passive aggressive that is unattractive.
High level/value men do not like women who play games, that is time wasting and unproductive. Men of internal worth will keep it very straight forward with you. Good men usually operate like that because they are good people and they orient to do the good thing. If he needs to constantly reassure you of his principals and values then this is clearly an issue which tells him alot about how you perceive him. If he has talked to you about them (principals and values) and you behave like this still, then you do not trust him nor do you value his principals/values(insulting him). This actually will generate the reality (self fulfilling prophecy) which women who follow this message fear he will loose interest and leave (physically, emotionally, mentality and or spiritually).
This is a control mechanism to control your partner, which is actually abusive and disgusting. A positive relationship is one of equals, not one of people trying to enslave each other. People that orient to this will never be happy, as no one can ever truly fill the holes in their souls that ever grow wider. You have to fix yourself by learning to be a good person. Then you will attract and or voluntarily encourage people around you to be better(that includes your partner). You cannot experience powerful love and or maintain that if you can’t generate principally similar love. You have develop yourself as a human being to have love with another person that is or is approaching that kind of love. You must have sincerity and consideration for others as human beings.
–In relationships its more important to work on yourself than your partner.
–Please also consider–
Check out JP Spears
Story series that I am developing that will have random romantic stories that may or not take place in different universes that I have developed and am releasing. Coming really soon have 5 pages of a story about heart break, loss and possible maturity (??).
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