Just had the pleasure of connecting with and listening to a new track put out by Markus TankBo Woods.
I must say I personally believe he is an amazing artist. I when I listened to his music, I was actually shocked. It was more than pleasantly even better than I thought. I mean I knew he was good because he had good company, Black Tarzan and Absolute Zero. Still this track and the others I listened to were bar raisers for other guys making music, honestly.
I’m currently while writing this listening to Markus Tankbo Woods work, Lil Nigga (just let the playlist play off Soundcloud link), I have not honestly heard one song that made me go meh, or is this finished yet. I notice that alot of these songs have alot of energy. To be honest for a guy that doesn’t sleep and is going hard editing the site(s), writing stories, editing and correcting articles, okay If I went through my day …. just the list would take 3 pages. So I think I really like Tankbo’s songs because they are boosting me up right now(extra energy charge).
I also like Tankbo’s use of basket ball punches. Most of the harder lines, he delivers really resonate with me. I mean if you’re not on a deep philosophical end, then its needs to be this level. Tankbo hits this level really well, I’m waiting for him to hit a dud.
Honestly, when I hear alot of people sing hip hop songs it takes me out. Why, well because alot of it is ridiculous, like watching the movie Transporter(which I couldn’t watch without frequent pausing because it was just ridiculous), or martial artist doing lots of high kicks in supposedly serious fight. I mean when I listen to most rap songs, guys are talking about things in the 80‘s like it’s happening now. I mean it’s really recycled and ridiculous, every rapper is Scarface(yawn, that was a good movie re-make but these re-boots are bad). So what am I trying to get at hear. Well, nothing Tankbo said seemed off, so it which I can appreciate alot(this is rare).
Honestly, I really want to see where Tankbo will go as an artist. I can say that I like his music and will follow his work. Hopefully we can get to work with Tankbo here at Youauthorus Music Talks. Hopefully, you guys will become fans of Tankbo. He’s a talent, that I can’t see being a one hit wonder. If that ever happens it’s not because of talent, but focus.
Any dates, or events of this artist, I’ll be on the look out to notify you guys and let you know any updates. When a true talent comes along lets nurture it. I think most of who love Hip Hop(heads) want good music. So let’s support Tankbo.
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