-Will style all of this better later, just tired. I am very tired as I have to deal with a chronic problem. A problem caused by partnering and dealing with the wrong people. It sucks all your resources and puts you in a bad state. So right now I am mentally tired, and as and end result of having to oversee and micro manage everything I did not get much done, plus the gains from that was very little(so the net result is a very high degree of loss, yes daily this happens). Same people, same principal problems, me trying to variate and change, be patient and coming at the problem from a different angle(no matter how simple, like flip the light switch to turn on the light in the room, yes that is literally difficult, I do not exaggerate this).
–Mike’s Thoughts: a new type of post will be going up. It is in the thoughts sector, and as such is part of Music Thoughts, but is also kinda of like a blog.Should have some released either later today or tomorrow. Update will change to reflect site changes
–Mike Blog Status: well, I hope to get back to the blog. Its been a bit difficult dealing with Mike on these issues, however please understand that it does not seem to be genuine that he isn’t writing. He has written some but its been hard to get to it because well, he’s learning how to follow schedules, etc. He just natural fades off without supervision(too busy to do that) so things have suffered. However something is written and after I get my writing back up, we can get to that. So enjoy Mike’s thoughts in the mean time, it will also meter out time for him to make more articles. As a daily output seems to be too strenuous(sincerely).
–Rebirth of a Lost Soul: Its earlier for me write now. Stayed up pretty much all day and night, working and trying to get things ready. Most of it, sorting out what to do with Absolute Zero. Have a plan now and hopefully he can execute, which will allow me to mentally focus on these stories. I have it actually written but I need to make a few edits to the images because I have some small errors I did not fix(was tired, drained). I also plan to do image art for it. I hope to have these things done by today or tomorrow. Sincerely
–DBZ articles: Some articles written by me, they should be up by this week. I have had them written for some time but dealing with the problems of others eats up my time. I did not expect it to be this hard, as I honestly expected more competency but you learn alot during these processes. I expected atleast level 1 and then maybe growth to level 3, but that is not the case as the reality is level 0- level minus(in production output). However I have really put alot of effort into working on that with everyone and I am kinda just moving away from it. Back to the original format more aggressively, so DBZ articles are kinda revin back to.
–Rj Blog Series: Yeah, that is coming, I started writing the new version when I was sitting down with Michael, metering him for article topics, work and output. I want to actually write some today(11, 16, 2015). The style is now different as it is more like a record story, which allows me to go easier into the past. As random things happen in the day and usually some crisis is being created from something easily preventable. I’ll go into a bit more details in the Rj blog, so more of the back story comes up and some of my more interesting tales. I’m usually told I have these weird random adventure like things that happen to me or when people are with me(still wondering if its good or bad). I am writing it because I think it can help alot of people. Plus it lets them know more about us and I believe if you understand us better then maybe you will want to support us, read/liste our work and grow with us.
Free Promotion: Free Promo’s are going to be very active, I have them coming out all the time. This was one of the reasons why I started this, I am happy that I have started back at this. If I see anyone of note, or experience anything of note, I will try to promote it and yes initially for free. I believe in organic support, we are open to getting paid to support things as well(we really can and do need money). However I believe that you do the good you want to have, so I can’t want people to help us and we don’t help them. So, with that, just keep in mind free promotion is different from paid promotion. Free Promotion is literally my emotional whim, nothing more and nothing less(as the expression goes, not sure if its apt as I am seriously tired as I write this).
Advertisement: yes, Ads might be coming to the site as we do need to make money to pay bills. So we are hoping to finally bring in ads, to help us on this end. Hopefully we will expand and be able to work with more ad companies. We are doing this so that we can earn, if we can make a profit then we can actually convert some of the stories into visual work(comics, manga, etc) or making them into interactive media such as video games or pure film. Alot of cool ideas and plans started to work on. Trying to get back to, we hope that this and donations will help.
Donations: We will actually be having a donation page, which will greatly help us out. I will explain our situation in the Rj Blog series, so that its easier to follow. We can really use support at the moment. I hope to creative enough value, so that you can see that your donation is really an investment into a better future for us and for you.
Thinking of starting new Facebook groups. This will help me to find items to promote, and also possible have people to interact and exchange with each other from the free promotions. I will probably have to do some moderation of the groups but I will try to keep it light as I am too busy. However I am thinking the positives out weight the negatives.
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