There’s a multitude of races that the DBZverse contains. This ranges from the technological Tuffles, all the way to the seemingly still unexplained Yardratians (those guys that taught Goku how to perform the instant transmission, making it almost unpractical for those with ki control to use spaceships, or cars, for that matter).
However the main race that was focused on in the show was the proud race, the Saiyans.Which of course had their home planet blown to space bits (which is different than regular bits, I KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!). But what of the planet’s prideful, yet unoriginal inhabitants? Could it be that there’s other Saiyans in the universe? Well, let’s try to break this food for thought down, if you know what I’m Saiyan. (Sorry, couldn’t resist )
First, let’s look at their employer The Galactic federation, which is ran by Frieza’s family. They send warriors to other planets to clear out the inhabitants of that planet. Where it’s then placed on the market for “cell” (i know it’s sale, but dbzpuns are fun and easy…..ok I’ll stop). The planet with a profitable race on it will come under the employment of Frieza’s Family and survive extinction. Here’s where operation “hire these saiyans” came in. A treaty was formed between the king and Frieza. After seeing them work, and experiencing their lust for battle, they became Frieza’s favorite. Skip a few years, and with the rise of Saiyans gaining more power frequently. A smart tyrant always gets rid of whatever threats to their seat that they may see. Thus, the Saiyans were eradicated (with Bardock going back into the past? That must’ve hit him too hard.), but its been stated that there was indeed a few Saiyans off planet, but just how much?
Of course, Goku was sent to Earth to prep it. Nappa, Vegeta and Raditz was off planet, Tarble was on another planet that he could rule (Awww ever the caring father, that King Vegeta). Also look at the remaining fact: there was other Saiyans off planet, that just haven’t shown themselves yet. If we were to count the other galaxies, these planets could house Saiyans. As well, as these Saiyans were sent out in droves, and often in teams. These teams would have to return to one of the many planets under Frieza’s rule to heal themselves and obtain their next assignment.
Imagine coming back to where the planet used to be, and there’s nothing but galactic dust floating. The remnants of a planet feared for it’s race. To take it even further, the movies themselves, if we’re going to count them as canon, also proved this claim. As Turles, Broly, and Paragus makes appearances, all three bearing Saiyan proof.
As the new series roars in, called Dragonball Super. There’s still room to introduce more survivors of this otherwise thought extinct people. Even some that may have children that can serve as rivals to Goten and Trunks, or even Pan. But what really may happen is the reintroduction of a planet that may house the Saiyan race that Vegeta may visit every so often, and even challenge for leadership. Where he still gets turned down by the people, due to the hate and fear the other Saiyans who was around for the ruling of the former king. It’s a possibility that exists, and the only thing holding it back is the forgetfulness of Toriyama himself.
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