–The Old Woman’s Junkie all pages currently uploaded can be found The Old Woman’s Junkie, this means that pages are uploaded here before they are posted to the general public on the site. You can sign up for free
–Performance Preparation # 2: Absolute Zero September 2nd, the second installment of his daily blog series leading up to his performance at ILoveMakonnen. The second installment is not finished being corrected yet. I will finish it so you can follow his journey and I hope you can continue to follow him as he continues to improve in his life long craft.
-Corrected pages for Bizz Bee Z In Jail, two final post will be made to this story.
-still having technical difficulties , this is not affecting the site but I could not resolve them due to the suddenness of the news of Absolute Zero’s upcoming serial performances. I have had to change around alot of things in the schedule, will we came up with inventive ways to give the best shows possible. It was so sudden and so big, its been a bit of a blessing and a hassle because we already had our work schedules organized. We are still working things out but we have made alot of improvements and I am very pleased. Absolute Zero and DME will put on an amazing show.
Same information as last time(Update: 9, 1, 2015)
–Podcast and other shows: I hope to get these up this week as well. If not by next week, I mean we have some great material. If I get it up, it maybe be just smaller videos from me until we can get the bigger pods out. Reason, well one of our members is going to do a few concerts, it’s possible. So that will impact the uploading of the final product to the web. However we should have something up, I’m just prioritizing putting up more of the stories first(I don’t have Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, please don’t hate me)
–Beta level membership will soon be added. This is the membership level that will give you access to our exclusives that you will not be able to get as a guest or at the Free member level. This membership level is free, but our intentions are to in the future replace it with a paid membership level. We are doing this because we will need as much support as possible to get alot of the projects(Light novels, manga, comics, animation and music for starters) we have in mind up for you to enjoy.
–Donations Page: That will be a bit longer as I currently really haven’t even finished alot of the other structures. I really was slowed down by trying to get production rates across the board up(which has improved). I want to get to the core stories, but that will take a bit more time. With that, we can start the donation campaigns. I believe in given people the ability to make informed decisions. So that’s why I want to get more up, so you can see the products and see the improvement.
Thanks alot, I really appreciate you reading.
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