–The Rebirth of a Lost Soul Still digitizing that, sorry. Did changes to the site, and some difficulties with miscommunication. That should be resolved, however what I will do to make sure that this doesn’t effect the flow of stories in the future. I have edit, etc but I will focus more even at the cost of other material not being in on time; to have really more stories up for you guys to consume. You can sign up for free
–Thank You guys for allowing us to reach 1, 700 views in a month(really just started putting in work about 2 weeks ago). We really have to get our marketing game up, to better Google page rank. So that search engines can find us, and we need to do a better job on other social media sites. However despite all of that you guys have allowed us to reach these numbers and we thank you. We are growing faster and faster and its thanks to you guys for reading and viewing what we do, thanks.
–Performance Preparation # 3: Absolute Zero September 3rd, the second installment of his daily blog series leading up to his performance at ILoveMakonnen.
–Performance Preparation # 4: Absolute Zero September 4th: Will be coming very soon, I hope to have it and number 5 done by today and tomorrow. Technically it was done but do to misunderstanding it was labeled wrong so I had to pull it. I now have the correct version and I will put it and number 5 up. I will have number 6 for you and then number 7. I am sorry about all of this, I take full responsiblity as the editor. Its still new so, mistakes are going to be made with schedules. As editor, I take the blame for the tardiness. Sorry, I will do better.
-Correcting page links for Bizz Bee Z In Jail, the complete set will be released soon, so you can just read all the pages.
-still having technical difficulties : That I still have not resolved yet. They still do not effect the performance of the site but they do take up my time. I will correct them and be sure to have that out of the way. The Facebook login in features have been fixed. So now you can use your Facebook Account to login and change your pictures.
Same information as (Update: 9, 1, 2015)
–Podcast and other shows: I hope to get these up this week as well. If not by next week, I mean we have some great material. If I get it up, it maybe be just smaller videos from me until we can get the bigger pods out. Reason, well one of our members is going to do a few concerts, it’s possible. So that will impact the uploading of the final product to the web. However we should have something up, I’m just prioritizing putting up more of the stories first(I don’t have Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, please don’t hate me)
–Beta level membership will soon be added. This is the membership level that will give you access to our exclusives that you will not be able to get as a guest or at the Free member level. This membership level is free, but our intentions are to in the future replace it with a paid membership level. We are doing this because we will need as much support as possible to get alot of the projects(Light novels, manga, comics, animation and music for starters) we have in mind up for you to enjoy.
–Donations Page: That will be a bit longer as I currently really haven’t even finished alot of the other structures. I really was slowed down by trying to get production rates across the board up(which has improved). I want to get to the core stories, but that will take a bit more time. With that, we can start the donation campaigns. I believe in given people the ability to make informed decisions. So that’s why I want to get more up, so you can see the products and see the improvement.
Thanks alot, I really appreciate you reading.
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