Quick Youauthorus update
–Financial Fields , Coming Soon, Poetry, Audio reading, spoken poetry
–Why The Game is losing and soon can be Game Over : coming soon , general article cover range for series on “Is Beef Good”, first one is a micro series on The Game. To cover and try to come to the truth on is Beef Really Good?
–Character Talk: Please Stop The Rei : coming soon, Animanga Thoughts, Character talk, analysis, opinion
– Run The Jewels – Meow The Jewels- Album Review : coming soon, Album review, music
–ENERJECTIK UPDATE! : Telling you updates about what he is doing and going to do
-KYFR comic intro is out, will try to create more to add(not a good an artist and even worse than I use to be and I did not do art for that comic intro, will put credits for that later). STILL NEED ARTIST OR I WILL HAVE TO DO ART
-Music Talks : Audio series working on and finally releasing
-Music Thoughts, audio series that is more individual and covers thoughts of the individual writers directly and indirectly related to music.
-Adding the new Beta Level as we are still in Beta phase
-Kill Your favorite Rapper page is up, has the reference Album there, will be updated as time goes along to add new information and items, thanks.
As mentioned before there will be new RJ blog series being released.
New poetry will be released
New Anime Articles will be released
There will explanations on why little movement has been happening on the site. It was not purposeful but personnel restructuring, work ethic modification meetings, and just creating new material because of the delays was and is taking place. I really try to do the best by the site. Thanks for patience
-Also will be trying to release quick comedy and inspiration pieces
–mentions and links to other sites and works will also be increasing
-Long over due but I will also try to finish FAQ and other such pages.
–Services page will gain an update with a table soon, Will try to add to that
–Videos will be released based based on the topic of some of the articles. So those updates will be happening and I hope that goes well.
–Still learning alot as this is still new territory, thanks to everyone for following and working with me. I sincerely am appreciative.
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