True Humor: Bro Rape -2016 update
“Do you even Smash Bro?… Do you even Smash ?”
When Bro Rape Happens..Read Below for a special update on to prevent this to you and a Bro you know
Just like the age of Broing has gone up(18-35 yrs), so too has the number of Bro Rapes. Just like the Newsline Investigative Report by Derrick Humor, informed you in the early to mid 2000’s. I wanted to give you guys a update on the growing culture of Bro Rape.
The age old markers of Bro Rape while still good indicators have been slightly updated like Ecstasy is now Molly. Now, instead of GameCubes its Wii U‘s and Smash Bros. Which are cross cultural because Broing has cultural differences. We are going to focus more on markers that go across the different cultures of Broing and are more likely to lead to…. Bro Rape.
Music markers have changed, instead of Dave Matthews Band, Jack Johnson and Inucbus, they have not now been replaced by Drake, Young Thug and Lil Wayne .Just to name of few of the new diverse music trends that have taking place in the diversifying world of Bro Rape.
Gone are the chat rooms of the early to mid 2000’s and in come the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds of 2012 and onto present.
- early to mid 2000
- 2010 and onwards
Drinks are also more diverse but cross-culturally a common trend among Bros is very colorful drinks. These drinks usually are energy drinks, drug mixed drinks and or protein drinks. Date Rape drugs can be used on unsuspecting Bros so please make sure to watch your Bro make the drink or give you and unopened can.
Lines to look for when talking to a Bro are “I Smash Bros… Do you?”. “Hey, I wanna come to my room and Smash Bro?”. ” Hey bro, come to my place and chill, I have the new Smash Bros character, some drinks and I’m listening to classic Rich Gang.”
If any of these things happen in conjunction with your Bro smelling like Old Spice or Axe body spray, then you might be veering close to a case of Bro Rape.
For detailed perspective please watch the video below for examples of Bro Rapist.
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