Top Ten Artists to Listen too if you want more Andre 3000 Intro
“I like Andre 3000, judging by his history and appeal many of you like Andre as well. The problem is that there is only one Andre 3000. However Absolute Zero has created a list of other acts that do not just imitate style(that’s not Hip Hop), no they have a similar soul and vibe that naturally remind you of Andre. This is an intro to a score of artist you may not be familiar with that could be substitutes for Andre. Hope you like this and the series to come, thanks so much for reading.” Rj Knight
So while I was working on my latest review of Raury’s latest album “All We Need” I noticed a lot of people compared him to Andre 3000. This follows a line of artists who have been accused of sounding like Andre (ex. B.O.B.). I don’t think this is the fairest comparison. I think people make these claims because they really want more from Andre. Since Andre has been retired for years now. I’m going to help out all of you Outkast fans. I’m making a list of my top 10 artists to listen too if you are a Andre 3000 fan. To be clear I don’t want the list to just be artists that sound just like Andre.
Also I don’t want to just list off people who are associated with Andre 3000. I’m not going to go by association data like or these other listening statistic aggregators. I’m actually going to be giving you the people who have a similar type of soul in their music. The soul component of artists is sometimes overlooked, and its very important to Andre’s style. So this list could also be considered a list of people carrying on the spirit of Andre 3000’s music.
Top Ten Artists to Listen too if you want more Andre 3000 – Artist #10
Top Ten Artists to Listen too if you want more Andre 3000
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Thanks, see Y’all in Space
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