Robson-creep (cover)
Sincere love, needs no return because love is
This is a song list for an incredible artist named Robson Pires . I want to showcase a song every day until Robson’s big release and farewell party . This song, is a cover called “Creep” by Radiohead. Unlike Flume, I really believe I understand the lyrics of this song. I think this is a powerful song and really showcases more of Robson’s range. He sings this song so well, that I like it in an equal way to the originals(honest, not usually the case for me).
I think this song is great, to me its a song that really captures love. Most love is not unrequited , however that does not mean you should not love or love less. Love is not lust, they can share strong relation but they are not the same despite common confusion. If you must get something in return from the one you love, then you are doing business. Love is the basis of everything, you can not be someone’s friend without loving them.
I have yet to run across someone no matter how stoic they are, that doesn’t wish to be loved. All Sentience moves in the direction of the love or hate, it is the attraction and repulsion forces of consciousness. Like atomic groups, we seek to exchange, we seek stability and unlike other emotions that exist. Love requires us to connect and give without the same level of conscious loss. It connects us over vast distances like a quantum field, so we never truly feel the loss. Thus we give more freely in love than we do when we move more away from love.
I think love is good for he soul, it makes it easier for us to become more than Man(species). It tends to be more socially acceptable to show your love to the opposite sex. However, many of us tend to have poor communication skills due to the power of our ego. Its one of the reasons why music is so powerful to us, so share this music with others. Share this song with others, those you love, those you want to love, and those you will love. Good music makes it easier for us, to communicate and that makes it easier for us to develop and strengthen or love with others.
Let’s work to make more love in the world(Thanks)
If your in Miami go check out Robson, Esp if you didn’t get into Star Wars. Doors are open, you can be there mid night is fine. Its a 50‘s era event formal, but we all know in the 50’s men dressed with formal style. Bring a dress clothes, or as they use to say your Sunday’s best and come down to listen to listen to great music being performed for a great cause.(It is the season to be sharing, Santa)
Special Thanks to one of my muses
Universal beauty
Top 6 Robson Pires songs, Song 4 Quick Artist Introduction to Robson
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