Robson-journey to the center and keep you forever

Impression of all of Robson’s Tracks


I am going to write my ultimate impression from listening to Robson’s Tracks. I have listened to his singles and I have told my feelings about them each time. That doesn’t mean because I like something as a single or in singles that I share similar feelings about it as a whole. In fact many times people are surprised about my conclusions. They would assume that because I like something, I like everything about it and it has no flaws. That is very rare for me, as usually I am told “you rate too hard”. Now, maybe because I’ve only been sleeping an average of 3 hours a day(lucky week), It’s possible that my judgement might be slightly impaired. I really don’t believe that to be the case when it comes to good music, below is my original impressions.  

I actually like this performance alot. It doesn’t fully capture, how good Robson is in person. I will be getting this album, because I really like the music. I really like that the lyrics to his songs actually makes sense. A lot songs have lyrics that is like, HUH. These songs sounds nice, but the lyrics are intellectually confusing.  Robson’s songs don’t seem to posses this problem from what I’ve heard. I think he talks about love and intimacy in a way that is really apt. I think a common problem with other songs, is that they are writing about the same subject matter while suffering from low self esteem.WOW! I just really became clear on that; I guess that might make  these songs more relatable to people also suffering from love self esteem. However, I feel that Robson’s songs don’t possess such negative issues. They seem to capture the static and momentary conversion of positive intimacy.

The live and or recorded performances that he delivers seem to be superior because the emotions that he has, can be better transmitted in his music. The little variances in how he plays the guitar, vocal manipulations and  his charisma are all more evident in his performances. The static tracks are also fine, they carry emotion as well. Which is another feat that I think is superior to many other artist.

When I buy an album or listen to a single that I like I am usually disappointed. Even if its from someone I generally think is a good singer. I am usually disappointed when I listen to a live or recorded performance from them. It is extremely rare, I mean rarer than a blue moon for me to hear a singer perform a song better than the studio version. The surreal thing about Robson, is that you can tell he has a lot more artistic growth potential. Potential that he is actualizing, I honestly wonder if this is what it was like when you listened to the up and coming great singers of the past.

It is not just the raw amazing talent, its the potential growth that is actually being actualized. I really am interested in seeing Robson’s development. I would like to be around just to be able to listen to his songs on the radio0. Honestly, I can’t sing at all, I have never been intimidated by people who can sing. It is personally an amazing talent to me, but most people with amazing singing talents really just never develop it(like most people with talents). That is something that sets him apart from the rest of other singers with talent in his class.

I think development and potential development are value added to any artist and their products. We buy because we perceive value, thus this separates items. This is not strictly based on technical merit, when we are aware of hard work we tend to receive it better. On all levels, its hard for me to see this upcoming release as a hot coco coaster. When I think what can this product do for someone else. I can see this music mending fights, having people value each other more, and or seeking other more positive ends towards each other. His music subtle drives people in a loving orientation. Sadly I see so much negative around me. Its really nice to intake material that is at it’s core, is positive and doesn’t need to overtly tell you that so. The music once again  just is and the feelings it invokes in people around me when I play it, seem to be positive as well.



Robson Pires on chair pose cover





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