The Spotlight: Music Talks Acey Ace
I first heard Ace Acey at Props and Bonds (check out my experience at Props & Bonds). I was surprised by how good he was that night. He had a great performance and I actually liked his content, so did the crowd.
– Please Play this song “Lemonade”-
When he got on stage I was not expecting much, honestly. I was just waiting until I could hear the guys I came to support such as Don Julio(see other for info). I once again will re-iterate, I was surprised, I mean pleasantly surprised with the talent that he demonstrated. It raised the bar for the rest of the performances for me. It has also elevated my view of future performances from Props and Bonds(what I saw that night was pretty amazing, more about it here). He performed three songs, which from his album(later found out and link to it can be found at bottom support) Blue & Red. I can’t remember the third, so many stuff has happened to me since(good and bad, plus the struggle to get these articles, while getting people to do their work). So forgive me forgetting one of the songs but I do cover a few to make up for it.
I heard his performances and I know one of the songs was “Lemonade“, and the other I believe was called “Energy“, I think he also performed “Apathy“. If those are not the songs, well, you should listen to them still because they are good songs.
I liked the range that Ace Acey‘s range, the content is really good because its makes sense(something because rarer and rarer). The songs are fun like in the case of Apathy, which basically satires popular songs right now. These songs point out the mind of men but more hit home to the state of women(he’s talking about current society). I think his lyrics are concise and they have a good measure that can bring in any audience (classic West coast, East, South, North and even pop or alternative Hip Hop listeners). The irony with him performing the song is that I can see many women in-taking the music without digesting the words. Acting out the very message of his song with male attention and mutual gender encouragement, validating the points made in his album.
I think he’s a socially aware enough person to write the music he does. I personally do not know him ; so I can’t extend my talk honestly about his intelligence any further than what I can hear in his music. I can say that I think people who are intelligent and orient to wisdom will especially like his music (high compliment from me).
If I had a Hip Hop event that I was debuting to an audience, I would contact Ace Acey for a slot. Personally I think also Ace Acey‘s music is very compatible with Absolute Zero. In the near future, I will be playing their music together, because I think other people well hear what I hear as well. I want to see Ace Acey succeed; I like to see positive things happen to people when they put in work and effort. So I’m doing what I can to help with that, hope you like the track(s) below about Ace Acey. I will be talking about him more as an artist and a music scout (A&R), in after the fact fashion. I listened to his Album, enjoyed it and if you keep listening I hope you will enjoy it too if you listen.
Performance side note :The only real obvious room for improvement that I could see when it comes to his abilities on stage, is that he could work the crowd better. What do I mean by that, well, more crowd interaction like talking to the crowd. Mentally getting the audience prepped and tuned before and each performance. He’s very good and it was fine but I think it could’ve been better if he did these things. However these are skills that he will attain because he’s really good performer, all ready (I think constructive criticism is gold so I only try to do it for what is needed).
Music Style & Range (target market(s): Ace Acey‘s set really got me into the event. So I think that Don Julio should’ve followed after him, no before him. The reason why I say this is because of music styles. Don Julio makes Ridah Music : which is thought and emotionally provoking but its not as focused on a topic or subject compared to. Conscious rap: which is music that makes you think about any issue the artist wants.
– Example of depth and versatility that I can see any Hip Hop set liking, it has a Ridah feel.
Ace Acey makes conscious music that is versatile and has ridah elements. His material and Don Julio‘s are similar they just have different focus. Don Julio‘s ridah (conscious) & Ace Acey is conscious + (ridah) X music
The X is very important and you will understand when you listen to his album. I normally don’t put so many songs, however the songs were really good. Its really an album where I can draw from it and get many different types of acoustic feelings. This is so impressive because the average artist does not have this range. I mean its not as much valued in the current climate when we talk Pop music. However we aren’t talking Pop or Hip Pop, we are talking Hip Hop. I played his music and I know people felt it, because I don’t like to assume because I like something everyone will. So, I try to test out reactions before I make general statements(gather data). I honestly, wanted more songs on the album which had a solid amount for the quality of content.
Marketing and Financials : I told Ace Acey that I thought his songs were mint. What do I mean by that if you don’t know that that is. It means what it means and in this context, it means its ready and good to go out and be lasting material( I can add further explanation but I would be using a few economic terms, so next time). The only problem I see for now is marketing and financial.
If I had to orient Acey to a market segment model in Hip Hop, also bringing the team and investors on the same page, who would I use as an example(s). The prime person who I would use and do use, is Immoral Technique. I think the archetype model is MF Doom, and should mix in another backend marker for Acey a little Tech N9ne‘s hustle. Either one of these models are fine, however I think its the combination that is important(that is the art). I think that Acey’s music deals with societal issues but not really governmental issues. It more stems from the self and then goes forward. I think he just needs to do more shows and share his material with other artist of his ilk to draw more people to his genuine talent.
A flaw with his marketing is the lack of social media, and media outlets for his music. I could be wrong but it was not easy for me to find him as I would like (when I did, I had to search to find his information), this should change. I would like for him to expand his music to SoundCloud and later Youtube. Why, Youtube, because it has alot of views and when you gain money you can make better videos (further expanding your audience and gaining a few dollars along the way). An Important Social and media outlet is Facebook. It has over 3 billion accounts. It is the largest social media platform and it has a growing media program that has aspirations ot rival Youtube. Need more awareness just even on that, if your a backend closet guy like me, sure. However for a public and visible artist, no. Those are examples of a few of the music related media that he needs to work on. However its still not enough, which is part of the reason I am doing my part to help (see below).
Side note: I have found the the Soundcloud, Youtube and other Media accounts, however it is still not intuitive. So what I will do is put links to each here and below in Buttons.
(Soundcloud) Ace AceyFollow Ace Acey
Alot of musicians that make it are not really talented people, they are just people that can be marketed better than others, or market themselves better than others. For something to exist and stay viable usually profit must be derived. There are good and positive intention people and actions, such as what I am doing now but that is not common especially in the entertainment industry. Which is a key reason why its a skill that needs to be developed for any artist, especially him. Are you doing music as a hobby or a business, this is something I ask many artist, and many times I get a response filled with confusion because they don’t understand. I think Ace Acey again is socially aware and he works hard, so hopefully he is already working on these principal issues or will read this and then apply himself towards implementing them.
Is there lot more I could talk about when it comes to marketing, etc….yes. I don’t want to keep the reader here, super long as that would become a very long business paper. Honestly, I would give him very similar advise to what I give to Absolute Zero. They are principally similar enough it seems as artist (multi-talented, rapper, beat producer, etc).
I don’t know once again Ace Acey at the moment but in Absolute Zero‘s case ‘the knowing doesn’t matter much’. There is firm different between knowing and understanding( I use those words with care), I hope that Ace Acey naturally understands what I mean and acts on it. Many people believe they do but do not and return to me dejected (this separates art and science). If understanding is lacking, that is fine, because there are people that understand such things. Which is why it is important for artist to get teams, you don’t have to be the best. You do need people to help you fix or shore up the areas you are weak in, especially fundamental to self. So once he gets someone who understands marketing and finance, I think things will start to rocket forward for him(again the help just needs to be barely competent with desire to improve and learn more). He’s that good that he doesn’t need alot of gimmicks to put him over.
Concluding summary : I will start rounding to the conclusion so you can get back or move to start listening to Ace Acey‘s Blue and Red without further listening to, or reading me.
Excellent performance aside, I listened to Ace Acey‘s complete album which was once again surprising because Ace Acey is a really multi-talented dude. I liked his beats, I liked his content alot and I would love to hear more of his work.
I probably will rotate his music, so more people can hear it (hopefully). The song” Lemonade ” really stuck with me at the event and I do like the digital track (better as a perform at event). He’s good at raising to occasion in person it seems. Which is a good talent to have because recording skills can be learned and improved upon. So, yeah this song might end up in personal play queue.
In conclusion checkout Ace Acey, he’s talented and versatile.
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Follow Ace AceyFollow Ace Acey
(Soundcloud) Ace Acey(BandCamp)Ace Acey
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