If you keep reading you will probably be surprised
I am happy that so many people are enjoying themselves on the 25th of December. Many times, I have people ask me about what I am doing on that day. The assumption is that I celebrate Christmas. Which I do not, I actually do not celebrate many holidays. I do not get mad by people’s assumptions or try to teach them not to celebrate the holidays that they like or cherish for reasons that usually have nothing to do with the historical and or original concepts of the holidays.
Christmas has so many meanings now its become a convoluted mess. Its much like the principal state of ‘the state‘ which pushes these ideas on all of man. Let’s first look at the base ideas of Christmas. Its a time where everyone gets together and starts to treat their fellow man like actual human beings for a short period of the year. Now, I guess its better to have a moment where you treat someone like an actual human being than to not have one at all. Still, I think the flaw is now obvious with that exact line of reasoning. Its like having New Year Resolutions, only at the start of a new year. It doesn’t really matter….. you can make resolutions anytime, what matters is sticking to it. Similar thing with the current convention of Christmas, you do not need this particular time of year to actually treat your fellow man as if they were human beings. I guess doing that all year would require too much work.
If someone says the now famous Happy Holidays(which is kinda silly to me), I will respond back in good measure and wish them equal good will. Just because I do not actually celebrate the majority of holidays doesn’t mean I have to be rude and or stop to explain to everyone why they should not celebrate the event. If they want to know anything, they can ask me. If they assume that I am like them, then they probably assume alot of things in life. Further, they are probably very comfortable continuing that practice, If not then they would ask more questions.
The flaw about using Happy Holidays instead of Christmas because it is a religious concept, again….. is nonsensical. So if you say, ‘well I don’t like the word Christmas, so lets not use that word because of the word Christ‘. Which in western convention relates to Jesus but it doesn’t have to because it just means anointed one. The word Mas means to send someone off or take them away, which seems to relate to the death of the Christ and his ascension to heaven. In sum the word Christmas is very religious, some people like the name but they don’t like the religious or spiritual gestures(different than religious), this actually makes little to no sound sense as well. However they are bit better than the camp that dislike the term Christmas but prefer Happy Holidays. A simple reason for this is that Happy Holidays is also religious and or spiritual term.
So Happy Holidays has two different ideas on its origin(one common and another one uncommon). The easiest one to read about, would be that the name Holiday is a fusion of the word Holy and Day. So Holy Day was a common expression used for these spiritual and or religious days that people received to celebrate festivals. Holy(generic term), is a pretty spiritual word that is used alot in religions(surprisingly). So, claiming that Christmas is rude or mean to other cultures is is again weird. Christmas and holidays were often used in combination and or as substitution terms. It was never insensitive or socially outlawed to use or disuse one term for the other.However that all changed when the P.C benders attacked.
To further the point let’s look at the other origin for the term Holiday. The word Holiday more likely comes from the Hindu festival called Holi day. Which is something that European travelers became enamored with and brought the concept to the west. The word started to be used along side Holy Day and won out in true English language historical ‘fashion’. Further alot of ideas that people currently have about the world…ideas that they think has been this way for thousands of years. Actually started to take root around a similar time(17th Century). However that is for another time, lets get back to word terminologies. So, for people that claim Holiday is a more spiritually and or religiously neutral word than Christmas, they are either ignorant and or just foolish.
A neutral word you could actually use, is the word festival or festivities. However a problem would probably arise because some people would get angry because they don’t celebrate festivities(angry about the word without understanding the concept). I am very sure they would do the same functionally the same practice that they are doing now. Which is trying to restrict other people from enjoying the festive period or getting angry about specific spiritually intentioned festivities. They would go out of their way to try and stop whatever culture from practicing the dominate cultural practice of their choice. The opposition group would not stop until they make it as tailored to suit their personal ideas about the festivity as possible (hence why they often turn on themselves). This comes from a place of pure conceit and inherent lust for power over other man(mankind, includes women). Which is why I also dislike most P.C(political correctness) groups. I actually usually don’t have a problem with their stated intentions. However I then tend to have a problem with everything else afterward(executions, methods, points and conclusions). Still, let’s return back to the Christmas concepts.
None of the major western religions have a major grasp on the origin of the season any way.If you wanted to get more accurate you would have to inspect what is considered historically the more pagan festivals.. to find western counters part to Christmas. Which is very different but then again not so different than what is done now but hey… synergy right.
The key distinctions between pagan festivals and Christmas from a Christian perspective is not the baby in a manger story. That actually really makes no sense and is inaccurate in its relation to this time of year.
The key addition was the marketing and glorification of the Satan and devils. These are more important reasons that we’re getting to as to why I actually don’t celebrate Christmas. For most people the stated reasons are not the actual reasons, so many people do something they claim they hate on either the religious side or the so called non religious side. The truth is that Christmas is in almost every case a spiritual festivity. I understand and tolerate Christmas, when people say ‘Merry Christmas’ to me, I civilly reply with a positive and appropriate remark. The people around me are generally not psychic.. most are just self interested people, who have poorly developed their listening skills anyway.
Most people want you to like and do what they are doing(and feel is important). Yet at the same time they yearn to be apart of something bigger, something interconnected with other people(don’t fully understand that feeling but I’m constantly told I’m not normal). Flipping someone off or trying to ban them for expressing something they feel is good, on subject matter that is does no literal physical harm to me is uncivil. I regard civility far higher than I regard P.C and other forms of forced consent. People should be allowed to celebrate Christmas (insert holiday of choice)freely and in the manner they choose, as long as they are not literally doing malicious harm to anyone. In life other sentient creatures will not always think and ‘do as you do or as you would want them to do. That is what makes them different than you. It is what makes you, well you and what makes them, well them‘.
Further, it is foolish and pointless to stop using terms because of spiritual concepts. All that’s going to do is lessen your potential vocabulary, and for poorly conceived reasons. How will you now communicate on apt topics, Happy Holidays. Oh, Happy festival, well the question will be what kind of festival and then people will tell you that they are celebrating a spiritual one and you will be right back to festive square one. The only merit I can see to this is that atleast we better know who is celebrating what. Like I mentioned before many people have merged all these different concepts together and just naturally assume you understand and are doing the same thing they are doing.
I honestly don’t do devil worship, well to my knowledge. I was when I was celebrating Christmas, so I stopped. However most people are not going around intentionally celebrating the devil. People are all just looking at icons they like to celebrate. The funny thing is that this brings devil worshipers and non devil worshipers in union on these festive seasons. There is only one group that really can’t come together thus are the main problem, the P.C group(s)(in this case the anti Christmas branch). This is the branch that wants to force others to not use terms or concepts because their feelings are superior to others. Its actually kind of funny that not even the devil goes that far at Christmas time.
To surmise and personalize, I don’t celebrate Christmas but I don’t get upset that others do and logically neither should you. I understand that many still will do it but hopefully this will maybe change or influence one person with potential sense. I hope that if you are attacked and or have no to poor defense for Christmas, then you can use this as a fair rebuttal. Thanks
If Only we can have peace on earth and good will towards all men, attempted and practiced everyday all year, like we do on Christmas time.
Christmas is a benign holiday. Its far better than Holidays like Thanksgiving and rarely see similar outrage about that Holiday(festivity)
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