– 3# Performance Artist Review Young Blesson–
Props and Bonds booked Young Blesson, a performer that I really like alot. The most important thing to me when I listen to, or see an artist ,is to sincerely feel I am getting that artist. Young Blesson always seems to bring himself, I’ve never seen him short change anyone on that. That is an really important and underrated quality that alot of people do not look for enough. So, that is one of the first reasons why I like Young Blesson, and as expected that night he delivered with maximal effort.
Its hard not to respond to sincerity and Young Blesson‘s performance helped to bring me out of a hard mental time. His intro was very interesting and funny as he talked about his hustle. He states that he can be very …. ruthless is not the word… beyond serious maybe about express when it comes to getting his money. From what he expressed about his side dealings in the intro he has a very good business ethic. It honestly wasn’t surprising to me because it comes through in his music. He’s a really nice guy, but he is very passionate and serious at the same time. I like that, he’s the type of person that wears his emotions on his sleeve it seems. Which can be powerful fuel for an artist when channeled right.
I don’t have much to say about his performance it self. It was solid, Young Blesson can improve and has a long way to go but he is a very solid performer. I’ve seen performers open for bigger artist and let’s just say Young Blesson would be a better pick for me than alot of the people I’ve recently seen.
Young Blesson‘s funny, he’s not super technical at his craft, this is is not a problem but it is something he should consider improving. Adding that to his own style will only variate him and make him a better artist. Alot of artist have drastically improved by doing that and still retain their signature styles and spirits. He has along way to go and he’s putting the work, so I do think he will reach the levels he sets his sights on.
I can’t see anyone walking away from a Young Blesson performance being upset because it was trash. If such a person exist then they have reality issues and or have not seen enough live performances. If there is an event and Young Blesson‘s name is on the list, know that he is going to give you everything he has (which is a very solid experience). Also note that your going to get a performance that will make you note him as one of the promising rappers of the future.
–Props and Bonds Saturday Mic Live September 17 Performance Reviews (General Overview)-
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