– 4# Performance Artist Review Tamika J–
I am going to have to sincerely thank Props and Bonds Saturday Mic Live for blowing me away with this literally surprising performance. This is the first time I have ever seen Tamika J perform to my memory. I was beyond impressed with I heard and saw that night. I really value the sincere expression of the personhood of the artist. Well, Tamika J has soul, its just that simple, even If I wanted to, I could not reduce it any further.
I honestly did not expect much form her originally. Maybe a decent performance, to above average, that’s kinda the range I was looking for when she started getting ready to perform. I didn’t think she would be bad but I was not expecting her to be so good. I thought for a moment that she was going to be some kind of hybrid rapper, when she demonstrated her MC skills. Reaching and commanding the crowd is not easy, most people do one or two rounds that settle into a comfort zone to coast. Not Tamika J, she kept giving and kept pulling at you to give back. It was really impressive to see, so many artist and people just locked in. All connected by the event unfolding before us, all appreciating the talent and passion on display.
Tamika has alot of different talents and skills she can draw from to utilize in her performances. She seems to be a trained dancer. When she performs and her spirit takes her, she goes into what seems to be an interpretive dance. It’s a bit unique because I haven’t seen it often with this type of music. The dance styles really suits her and enhances her performances because she draws and feeds off it, with furthers her act.
Another corridor to explore in Tamika‘s house of talents, is that she draws on her love of different music and art genres. She seems to me to be more of an artist in general than a musician. She really mixes the principal elements of different arts and music genres into her songs. I love when an artist does this, because to me this is what makes a true artist. In all things the principals of art can be applied to enhance its humanistic qualities. The expression will never be exactly the same because of the uniqueness of potential humanhood. This is what I got from the music Tamika performed that night, judging by reactions of the audience it seems to have connected with others on atleast a subconscious level.
Tamika is a powerful singer. She has very strong vocals and the timing, to really bring it home. Singing is more about breath control, tone and timing of your voice, its an art onto itself (I do not possess singing talent). I do not know how hard she has worked on her singing voice but she has alot of talent in singing. She reaches really deep, and combines all the elements I mentioned above and those I failed to state, to enhance and add soul to her vocals.
If any problems exist with Tamika, its not in her performing skills. Which I honestly believe can improve, because it comes across more as just outstandingly raw talent with some light to moderate polish. This contrast the ‘ alot of polish and some talent’, which is far more common for practitioners in most arts that exist.
The problem with Tamika‘s performance is more technical, with the audio possibly. This is not major to me, as I am currently reviewing her performance that night (not the actually track itself). This problem is probably not a major issues going forward. Simply because Tamika does so many things well, its more than enough to mitigate any small issues. However, It was a complaint voiced and I must acknowledge it. Is this something that can be easily fixed? The shortest and simplest answer to that is yes. Is it something to note and improve, probably yes. Does this effect the humanistic talents that the person known as Tamika J expressed to me that night, no.
Once again, I am thankful to Props and Bonds Saturday Mic Live for introducing to Tamika J. They have introduced me to a few artist that are either mint or outstandingly talented. I would love to listen to Tamika J again. Hopefully, I will be alive and able to attend another one of soulful moments.
–Props and Bonds Saturday Mic Live September 17 Performance Reviews (General Overview)-
–5# Performance Artist Review Protege QOQ–
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