I have a list of ten songs that I currently listen to alot. I play these songs on loop while I work or am detoxing form powerful emotions. These songs have no current order of importance, as I am tired and judging that way would be hard (I have a hard time picking favorites). So I am going to list number three and two.
# 3
–BØRNS : Holy Ghost (After Dark)-
I have become a avid listener of this band. I first started listening to them with their song Past Lives. Honestly, I think I first heard it in a Samsung commercial on Youtube. I tracked the song down (took some time), which ultimately lead me to this song.
This song was a bit higher for me but then I actually listened to the entire songs lyrics. Which kinda turned me off because of the severity of the blasphemy which the song acknowledges itself. I still like the song but not as much as I did before. The emotional state of the character in the song was so off balance, this doesn’t seem like love more like obsession. They can feel very close but when someone becomes your god you have clearly lose it. Any person in a state like this needs mental help and probably also has strong interpersonal delusions.
Sadly I have seen someone get like this kind of, wanted to commit suicide over a girl he loved so much. He was so obsessed with her, it was not healthy. She liked it for a while but did not like him very deeply and broke up with him. Thankfully he was not a dark and violent person by nature. Additionally he never developed any violence warps because of his obsession with her. He just wanted to kill himself because she did not like him like he liked her. It was really serious but we got him out of it over time.
To be honest he lost cool points for me because wanting to kill yourself over a woman because she doesn’t want to be with you is kinda bad. Alot of things happen in life, many people lose their lives and lively hoods helping people or just being affected by another persons transgressionary behavior. A woman voluntarily leaving you is not a major problem. To become that unbalanced is just…… Thank fully he started working on himself to become a stronger and better person. Also tries to keep himself at a moderate emotional level in relationships.
We have lost touch, more a me thing as I tend to do that after I help someone (If I am not needed, then I don’t see the need). I hope he still is doing well. (Working on the difference between Love and Obsession)
# 2
–Maroon 5 : Animals-
So I am going to list number three and two.-Really like Maroon 5, love the sonics of this song but I never saw the video. When I saw the video the song changed for me. I still like the song, it has not lost any value for me but the meaning of the song has changed for me. I never really listened to the songs lyrics because I usually hear the song when I am in public. However after watching the video and listening to the song hundreds of times… I pretty much know the entire song word for word (damn you loop function).
I don’t connect with this song in a direct personal way but I do have a connection with this song. In the recent past and still possible to the present I’ve had to deal with someone who is principally similar to the person in this song. I have never seen this kind of energy, and subconscious drive to a fatalistic end. It was really maxed out, creepy, dark and very worrying.
What concerned me the most was that no one was taking notice of how bad the situation was. It was so obvious, it was either people intentionally did not want to deal with this problem or they just did not fully notice how deep this problem went. I really think its a mixture of both but more the first state as people do not want to be inconvenienced even at the cost of lives. Its like this video, people obviously saw this man stalking this woman, yet no one did anything.
The guy I know was in some kind of relationship but it was not sexual. It was more a friendship where he was friend-zoned but sexual tension existed between the two of them. The relationship was dark and twisted, as soon as I noticed it I tried my best to get this to stop.
This woman was and is a psychopath, she gets off on other peoples pain and suffering. She was maxed out dark and evil, the more wickedness she did the more aroused he literally became by her. I honestly am diluting this alot but I have never seen something like this. It was a dark negative spiral of two people trying to corrupt each other. To maximally make each other wicked and they both got off on it. It was so disgusting, both were epically foolish. He was eventually going to rape and kill her, this was clear by the way he spoke, processed thoughts and actions he did. It was so disgusting, it was some serious dark mental feces pit kind of thinking and living. It took so much work to curb this problem but there is this dark predatory side, which is very animalistic.
I saw how dark a person could become, the twisted sexual desires wanting to manifesting themselves. The orientation to the most disgusting fatalistic sex acts on other people against their will. The mutual arousal and decent down the path of the monster. Yeah, this song’s video really hit home with that.
Fortunately in this song the woman is not also a socio or psychopath. There really are men and women like this who will see you and become obsessed like this. They are dangerous, some can be saved possible but there are some who can’t be saved because they don’t want to be saved. They actually just want to hurt as many people as possible before they die.
Thankfully, the guy I know started seeing the errors in his thinking and actions. He was disgusted by his own behaviors but it took a long time to make this happen. I am happy it did happen but it could’ve easily went the other way and been a story on the news. That’s what I think about now when I see this song.
Rj Knights The Top 10 songs currently most listened to songs(while working) #5 & #4
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