– Quick Summary
-released quick nav, but due to foolishness I could not remain productive
-readied atleast 5 songs to cycle
– finishing book promo and I will be adding books, videos, social media profiles to my Pinterest account
-Editing to release Righteous Rod review by Absolute Zero
– Need to create a quick and cheap cover page for The Woodsman chapter 2
-Woodsman chapter 1 will be released tomorrow (8 ,23, 2016) at 10:30 AM and 3:30PM back on schedule
-changing the sidebars in music and the general site bar
-Editing five pages of Woodsman chapter 2, hope to finish all edits by Thursday
-Thursday or Friday I hope to add older DBZ transcriptions, well I need to transcribe them
– Friday I hope to finish romance story and also have edits for Ep 2 of How to ruin a date in 5 Words, most of these were suppose to be done actually a week a go(would’ve been finished today actually)
– Sorry, I actually fell asleep again. My body seems to have hit a place where its not allowing me to continue going for days on minimal rest.
-What I a want to talk about right now is my work intentions for this week(what’s left). I want to put in cycle all the artist that has come through Catalyst Hip Hop Miami in one way or another. Mostly this will just be there music, still this will allow me also to link it with other similar musicians. This will allow everyone to potentially grow, as followers, listeners of a musician can learn about + enjoy another they would otherwise would not have discovered so easily.
-Finishing old work, I never get to finish because I spend so much time dealing with personnel crisis of fatal magnitude and epic incompetency. Its really allow for work to pile up, so I desperately want to get back to those.
-So that would mean more DBZ transcriptions and creating new DBZ material.
-I have a convention to actually talk about which I did get to do yet. -I did finish transcribing the Woodsman chapter 2. Editing it now, so I want to get material ready to release or work on frames, with the story editing and as my focus.
-A couple of book sample reviews and possible full reviews are on the way.
-Will be trying to grow and promote through Pinterest. It just works out for now to be a bit easier. So the groups are being opened, and I probably will just promote the pins on social media.
-I really have a bunch of people to promote as well, their social media accounts + possible work.
-Most of what I am saying is very general for now. Its harder to get specific at the moment because momentum is mostly in other areas. I do feel I can potential now get more time to work because I should be dealing less with other people, as personnel seems to be stabilizing and focusing on what they can do and need to do (even if its being away from the site itself).
So I can work alot more efficiently. Story is really what I am more focused on and then Animanga. However to get music back smooth as that ended up being more of focal point (one day I can go into details of why I allowed this) so alot of site traffic and flow is for that. If I stop the Classic reviews, etc will also all stop, as I am the main driver on every level imaginable for it to continue moving (its very tiring).
Sorry, just lost train of thought dealing with same said problem.
I emotionally just got very tired as it took along time dealing with similar problems, the immaturity of the behaviors just got me close to being very upset.
So I did not get alot done, When you end up managing low production agents, rathering than producing a greater and more necessary rate of service and products you get stressed. I am pretty close to some cuts as I said today but because of that the work as picked up. However I do not wish to have another unproductive moment like this.
So I next time I literally will just be cutting people as I only have one major person that is harder to cut and has finally settled down (get him set up and then I can go on my merry way should I recover my life). The rest can actually go, because this is actually ridiculous.
Sorry, about all this but I will stop here. I hope, that the edits to chapter 2 can be finished. Oh, and the cover page, need a quick and cheap cover page to display now for all the chapters.
–Rj Knight Personal Update: Sorry about no releases
-Please Also Consider-
Saying goodbye: Joel’s Farewell
Follow Absolute Zero Artist PageImpressions 2 (Music Video)
- Cyba works so hard
- Catalyst Saturday Mic Live 12.19.15 Event Summary
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