Stopping music on the site and winding down/ stopping work with Michael/ Zero.
Me and Zero are still friends, for anyone coming for Zero updates you will still be able to find it here. However I will be moving away from it from reasons I contextualize below. To make clearly it is more a spiritual move away or orientation as I want and need Zero to be more autonomous. This was the original arrangement we had about the extended work. Alot has changed as many projects are now pretty much cancelled (unless I put in the work in them but I’m pretty tired and I honestly might not have life time left to do this).
I want to get back to writing stories and dealing with Animanga. I need to fix personal problems that have been amplified or exacerbated in this period that I have spent helping Absolute Zero with his person. I want to the best job that I can in all things, this means I want the site to function at the best that it can (to the best of my sincere abilities). Everything is with these factors in mind, if still curious…. you can read below for greater context.
Thanks alot.
* How I feel at the moment, physically and mentally tired, I might rename myself Atlas
That is the gist of what I am about to talk about in this quick update. I will be orientating away from doing music and other Ab Zero work. Why, because I would like to return to the work and processes that I was doing prior. The work, that I put alot of effort into years before and labored my health/welling being on for the chance to see it incarnate.
I did music, which was not my original intention. It was all to help out Ab Zero who was suppose to manage the music but due to lots of personal issues he has, it rendered him dysfunctional. I will not go into this in depth, as he has a blog series (blog like I guess) dealing with this and you can read that. I will be talking about it at bit to help my damaged psyche from all this.
I think Ab Zero is close to the place now where he should’ve been from the start so, I can now move back closer to our arrangement from the start. I can’t leave him to do the music section as he just can’t manage that. However I will be leaving him to produce more of his own work materials with less assistance from me.
Alot of the work, I do pretty much it all. So I am usually exhausted and even then I have to do more to sync and keep him driving + emotionally balanced. I will probably still have to do this but lessening this is a good thing to do as he is able to step out on his own more.
So there will still be Ab Zero work, I will still put out music videos, etc. However my driving of this process will diminish alot. Which might allow me to sleep more, eat better and hopefully start to fix my life. So many problems have mounted in this time, problems I worked hard to deal with and was finally close to solving but now they are worse than ever in many respects. So bad, that I may even lose my life. I deal with stressors like this (common throughout my life but this one probably no wriggle room as I had no energy to create such).
So, for site production this will probably lead to more consistency in material being released. As I when material is not being released, its because I am backed up with Zero life and problems (mostly problems).
This will effect the development of the music page and related material. I don’t really have the passion when it comes to the music area. So, I will try to write articles and such but they will seriously be personally low priority and more principled work than anything else as I don’t have time to keep up with trends.
What can you expect, well reviews will be bigger. Unsigned artist and signed artist alike will be reviewed more by Zero hopefully. I will be linking to them with a list that I will make public for him to draw from. Also music videos and audio from artist cycling and possible artist page will be done by me (this is for music in general, doesn’t matter genre but probably more Hip Hop as I know more people who do that).
I do not have time to work on the Youtube channel, as that was more made faster to help Zero as he had trouble with his other work and wanted more to do Youtube. So, I will be making audio more solo (planned this before but his projects too the time up), editing the audio and leaving it for Zero to video edit.
As I think of more I will share, as sharing this information honestly acts as a forcing agent, making things run much better (as sad as that is). I hope that I can finish alot of the older projects that I was working on and I plan to get back to writing and releasing more stories.
— that’s pretty much it for the update, check out Zero’s production/input list to see what he has going on.
* I have positive expectations has produced some new work, despite some set backs with other work which is making that take along time to release. *
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