– Quick Summary
– Finally slept, like almost a whole day
-site issues due to bad code being written by writer
-released two music articles
-Audio files edited and Classic Album Review was done (The 36 Chambers)
-Transcribing chapter 2 of Woodsman kills to Keep Forest Clean.
-Amazon support and buy classic albums + other stuff if you like (helps support new project by Absolute Zero and Ep release)
-Music and video cycling + artist quick profiles being added)
-Getting ready to attend Joel’s Memorial service tomorrow
(Christ Fellowship 500 NE 1st Ave, Downtown Miami, 33132
Service: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Reception: 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM)
Sorry about the lack of today. I honestly had stayed up Wednesday night readying Kooley and Jred articles for release. I had to clean the code which actually has caused site wide damage. It was very problematic especially since, these issues have already happened before which is why so much time was lost.
To say the least I was furious. I also had to spend so much time just getting the Kooley and Jred articles to appear that it threw off my schedule. So many things happened that night that I had a different view of my main homie. I mean my patience has a limit. I understand that he is not purposefully doing these things but the consistency and daily frequency has made me ponder.
Apologies aside, they are up but my body, finally just needed rest. So after missing Bible study at Catalyst Hip Hop, I heard just the right words I needed to rejuvenate the compassion part of my spirit. Alot of work was done, so soon Absolute Zero should be finished with edits for more pod material. Also Album reviews are on the way for Jred, Kooley and The 36 Chambers. I was there to make sure it happened and I was pleased with it (actually done). So, now is just video editing to make it have images and this can be released ( 36 Chambers happened 8, 19, 2016).
To be honest, from morning to night I have been mostly sleeping. I sleep in total probably like 16 hours. This is the first day I have slept in a long time. My chronic headache is also actually gone (for now). I had a serious fever while sleeping but after so much rest its seems my body has regulated itself.
I have to finish transcribing the rest of Chapter segment 2 of The Woodsman Kills to Keep the Forest Clean. I also have not been able to finish the romance story or edit the draft for the parody.
My scheduling is always getting thrown off, honestly spend more time on developing the human side of my friend than anything else. I can say that progress is being made so hopefully, if this production rate stays the same more music items will be done. I can return to making stories, etc and leave music to the musician.
That reminds me, I have put up more music videos. I intend to create not super big and intricate but artist pages for for a few artist and to cycle their videos. It will be more Hip Hop heavy in the beginning because I know alot of musicians in that area. However I want to have general songs and other genres (smaller and sometimes bigger artist).
You can support us also by buying things you would want through Amazon. So add to your collection of Classic albums and other merchandise from your favorite artist whatever. If you are shopping you can click the link and shop through us. It would be nice to receive support that way. Want to get some more to help work on Heroic and Villianeous Eps from Absolute Zero and help out a few other artist (myself included, jk…no seriously).
I have some more True Humors and promos coming up. I want to do some more book promos and videos on Youtube that I like promos. So check for that really soon, I forgot to add that I will be also soon promoting some social media accounts that I think are cool from Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Tumbler, etc. There is alot of cool accounts but alot of the time they don’t get love and no one notices them because most sites only really push bigger names. They have great content or lots of potential so I am going to be doing what I can. Could not before due to alot of time helping someone in critical need (sigh, I am in critical need to but selfishness is worse option one can ever truly employ).
Really Quick, I almost forgot to mention this because it was so matter of fact for me. Right now I am getting ready to attend for Joel Stigale’s memorial service in the morning. The location and time is Christ Fellowship 500 NE 1st Ave, Downtown Miami, 33132 Service: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Reception: 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM.
I don’t know the dress code because I mean Catalyst has always been so informal but I am going to dress up formally. I am very sad about this, I intend to write something about this because this death I honestly feel could have been prevented but this is due to way we structure society. This is one of the cost that we pay for and suffer because of everyday, every second.
If you are in Miami and you can attend please do so. Its not about where you are, where your from, its about where your minds at and where your going. So if you can’t be there in person for whatever means you can still be there in mind, orientation and spirit.
I will be continuing to play more music on site to celebrate Joel, esp the artist that came through the doors but others too.
Thanks for everything please support the good people at Catalyst Hip Hop because they are continuing Joel‘s important work (which was saving and changing lives).
Thanks, I hope to continue working hard but this time with more gains, lol.
I honestly appreciate everyone that continues to come and support thank you.
-Please Also Consider-
Saying goodbye: Joel’s Farewell
Follow Absolute Zero Artist PageImpressions 2 (Music Video)
- Cyba works so hard
- Catalyst Saturday Mic Live 12.19.15 Event Summary
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