My Author Quest on The Murder and The Magic Soul Gem
As a writer came to a road with the story(The Murder and the Magic Soul Gem). choose this new path, think it will be cool(lost time, lol)-the story series, is changing from a more character centric one(few characters and focus on development). To one that is faster, more thrilling, so basically a fantasy, adventure, thriller more that at the core of the setting of the story. (lost lots of time yesterday because of it, lol).
Basically my plan was to finish this story by today(1,6, 2016). I wanted to knock out about 70 pages atleast. However, I came to a road with the story(well, I wrote it in first lol), like if I continue down this road this will change the tone of the stories setting. It will alter the base starting point of the future characters, thus the feel(perception)and development of the characters will be slightly altered.
Little changes can have big effects. I sought counsel over this because I had told Absolute Zero alot about the story already. In fact, I had him in the process because I wanted him to develop his abilities as a story creator in a more traditional sense. He is a bit more peculiar ‘on’ his ‘taste’ and I thought this story would orient to more to what he favors anyway. So I tried to get some inputs into what he liked.
So naturally when I had changes to make to the generally overall plot of the story(s). I had to wait till I could contact him about it. While talking to him, I worked out the where I wanted to go, he agreed on the direction. He said he thought both were good but he figured that more people would like the faster story and he was interested in general to see where that would go with all the stuff going on that stem from this story. It will not change the overall ending of the story nor will it change the functions much, however it will change how the story will taste.
An important development came when I thought about some of the details. Like the new potential antagonist to come from this change(which all makes sense by the story world, I have already developed these species types before in this world just not published). I have this morning came to a few conclusions but still not finalized yet. I have to make a few changes to the story so I can reference these better. I will also have to really think about how this changes a few origin stories. Fleshing these out so they become more incarnate works will be a bit difficult because honestly I want to finish the story like now. I did not intend for the story to be of length in the series. It was suppose to be kinda of a good throw away.
I lost so much writing time last year, working with trying to get the homies work and life in order(as much as we could work together as people wanted to grow as well, I give everyone a honest and sincere chance). So I did not get to do alot and honestly alot of the mechanics are not as clear in my memory(I was averaging for the year 3 hours sleep).
I wanted to do Blessing and Curse, get that up to speed and then do Dominate Species (story universes). I am going to tie this story in with alot of the other Dominate Species stories because for the sake of story it makes so. I am probably not going to have them in different eras. So the first batch will probably be taking place in a similar time. Well in this prototype of a Proto Work. I will probably re-visit them to get them up to the consistency standard I want later.
Alot of time went into creating Dominate Species, this new interpretation has taken atleast a year for me to develop as it is now. I’ve been working on the idea since a child(its changed alot with actual destruction of data, etc, lol). However I still really well remember each version and could write them again. However this version is 100% original, its really fresh from alot of angles.
I really want to finish The Murder and The magic Soul Gem, so I can finish up enough of these Blessing and Curse stories, to get back to studying Dominate Species universe mechanics again. I honestly, in doing this story and making these changes I had my writer enthusiasm kick back in. It waned a bit and I was not happy over the course of the year. Mostly due to dealing with other people in relation to the company. I had to change alot of how it would run. It was so hard because well, no one was doing things right if they were doing things at all. Its a long story but it feels good to be actually just writing again.
I have been just dealing with that stuff to get it out my system and minimize dealing with other things that are different from the original site intention. I am surprised that I am so excited and it is building. I guess I still have that writer spark after all. Its probably that and actually starting back drawing which helped(and minimizing outside forces)
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