Quick, apology
sorry to everyone, I have not been posting as frequently as I should. I burnt out and I was fighting sickness the entire time. I feel a bit better but I am re-organizing to give you guys even better service.
The ilovemakonnen show is almost done so that chaos is almost over(affecting work schedule). However during that time I learnt alot and I want to show the fruits of that with you guys.
I will be starting a new Blog series. Wait for it
-I will also continue to release the Music Question Preparation Logs by Absolute Zero, its hard not being able to get to someone physically but its new for everyone.
-Also I will be adding more links and more stuff. Plus great updates
– Facebook page was converted, funny because I spent a day sending stuff over to actually convert the page. Waiting out in the rain, to do a talk about a contract release(thunderstorm) and got back and Facebook was like we’re converting this for you. So I lost all the contacts, sorry guys. Two crazy weeks of work, back to where it started almost.
Find us Here now this is our new Facebook page, Youauthorus.com , please follow and add us as a friend.
you can be friend me Rj Knight on Facebook here,
-I have alot that I am going to do and you will be able to read it all and I hope you guys can come on this journey with me.
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