Quick Introduction to MD Ness



MD Ness, is an artist that I have met on Facebook and boy is she something else. I mean, she is very hard working. I work very hard; I stay up sometimes two to three days on 4 hours or no sleep(sadly). One of the constants that I notice, is MD Ness promoting online(it re-motivates me sometimes). She’s so amazing that she doesn’t just do for herself, she does for others as well. That was one of the traits about her that I liked. When I spoke to her, it was further emphasized because she mentioned and give the people that she knew the credit first (friends in the field she  credited and supported always first). She seems like a really loyal person and it is very moving. Sometimes, I’m on a 4 AM and MD Ness is promoting a slew of people. Sincerely I hope that her people take care of her. Its really hard to find someone who has similar drive and is that loyal. I think every group needs atleast one MD Ness.


I think Ready To Die is a very steady song. I really like the video, its cleverly done. The animation and effects are creative and a step above most music videos in the peerage. MD Ness‘s content in the song is really good, honestly the only problems was the length and that the beat production could’ve been better. I think her abilities as an rapper are fine, it can improve but its better than alot of males and females(right now). An area for most immediate improvement would be in vocalization and tonality. Examples?  Listen to Tupac, Big L, Nas, Big Pun, Jeezy, etc, they can control the way they vocalize and tone their voice to create a better aesthetic affect(I have a horrible voice so…). That is not something that is easy to achieve  and comes with time(hard work is a give with MD Ness). Outside of that, MD Ness has no deficiencies as a rapper(it wasn’t a major problem anyway). If anything I am being nit picky, I think bar schemes can always be tighter but it’s all about the style and the flavor your going for. So again, its not really a big deal, I feel like she will get better and better with time because she works so hard. If it was trash, friend or no friend, I would just say it. I have to nit pick really hard to find anything.

I think she’s solid, hopefully you guys share my sentiment. Check for her, tell her what songs are good and where she can improve. Let’s help to develop, such a hardworking artist because as artists that is what we want(other than money to keep being able to do our work). Honestly, its to improve and become the best we can be at our craft; we could use your help to towards that end. So let’s help MD Ness, become the best artist she can be for her and for us


MD Ness