Travis Scott – Piss On Your Grave (feat. Kanye West) (Official Video)
Travis Scott released a new video for his third single off of his debut album Rodeo. The single entitled “Piss on Your Grave” features Kanye West . Kanye has been going down a bad path for a long time now. I have a lot to say here, so I am going to break down this article in into three sections. I’m going to go into detail about the quality of the song and the music video. After that I’ll look at the big picture for Kanye West in terms of his music legacy.
The Song(criticism)
This song is a disaster to me. Nothing about the track is really working for me. To begin with the low end is so compressed and distorted. Although the track does feature some cool guitar. The bass and the kick just seem to melt together. I do commend the beat for changing throughout the song. This is a concept that I like and wish was done more. Unfortunately in this song none of the permutations of the instrumental are compelling to me.
The lyrics did not save this track. Kanye West starts the track off yelling about ‘pissing into the graves of executives‘. I get the impression that Kanye West feels like he is delivering a meaningful message here. The problem is the message is so vague that I can’t leave the track with much.
Unfortunately Travis Scott doesn’t rescue the track. He gets on the record and complains about being treated like a slave. In the event he is referencing, he caused a public disturbance and was arrested. Being detained for breaking the law isn’t slavery. Lately, Kanye West has been using slavery to describe things that aren’t really that serious. The problem is when you do that, it’s harder for people to take slavery seriously. Maybe since Travis Scott has been hanging around Kanye West, his influence is rubbing off on him. Because now Travis Scott is doing the same thing that Kanye West has been doing. The meaninglessness of the lyrics really lowers my enjoyment of the song.
The Video(criticism)
Now the video for piss on your grave features Kanye West, Travis Scott, and inexplicably Mos Def. They are all wandering around in a random field(presumably a graveyard). Add a random hole in the ground and some visualizations of water running down some skull figurines and you get the video. There is nothing going on in the video. I keep waiting for something to happen but nothing ever happens. I left the video highly disappointed.
If this was just Travis Scott this would be understandable. But Kanye West has had some of the most creative, elaborate, and innovative music videos ever(debate). *In the past Kanye West pushed the boundaries of music videos as an art form*. Videos like Touch The Sky, Heartless, Stronger, and Diamonds From Sierra Leone are breathtaking. I know this isn’t technically Kanye’s video, but this video falls far below the standard Kanye West has set for himself. Yes….Kanye West did get to show off his fashion line in the video. As someone who holds very little interest in fashion, this was not enough to interest me.
The Take Away
I’m worried about Kanye West’s music. I really don’t want to see Kanye West ruin his discography, which is admittedly really good. His last entries Watch the Throne and Yeezus did more harm than good. I feel as though we saw a low point for Kanye in terms of concepts and lyricism. I don’t know how Kanye West can talk about the fact that people are slaves to consumerism while in the same breath constantly brag about his material wealth.
This is all that Kanye does in the rhymes and in his public life at the moment. He is always complaining about the arrogance and corruption of the one percent(mike thoughts on one percent and is kanye west in the one percent). While in the same breath complaining that those same people won’t let him in their circle(is this a valid complaint podcast). Piss on your grave is a step in the wrong direction for Kanye West. He still has an opportunity to right the ship, but if he keeps going down this path Kanye will become a just another lifestyle rapper.(podcast about lifestyle rappers, if none exist)
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