performance Preparation #6 : Absolute Zero September 6th
September 06, 2015
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Blog 6
Performance preparation blog(s): Absolute Zero
So today was the first real day I spent in Tallahassee. It was an awesome day and I shared some feels with people I hadn’t seen in a while. I saw a legendary hip-hop artist, plus I rocked it out with the band Blind Math.
To start the day, the band had to practice. Today was show day and we hadn’t practiced at all. Thankfully, Blind Math has a ton of experience doing shows and improvising so we could almost perform in our sleep. This is even more true if we perform our core songs, instead of our normal four piece setup.
We went with a three piece all acoustic set up, No mics, no amplifiers, no problem. We took some time to practice two hours before the show. since this was a completely novel set up we were taking extra caution. Its funny we were practicing in Black Tarzan‘s townhouse, when a very angry neighbor knocked on the door saying she was trying to sleep. On the one hand, I would like to be polite to my neighbors. On the other hand if its eleven, its a fair hour to make a little noise. I knew we sounded good.
Despite this we just cut our practice a bit short and went out to the show.The show was part of Rottenfest 2015, one of the many super dope DIY concerts put on by the Tallahassee punk community. It was in the back of a local coffee shop called All Saints Cafe. The other bands that were there were super loud. In contrast we were kind of an odd ball act.I will tell you we rocked that show. No amplification is necessary when you got soul. We might not be the most technically proficient band in the world, but something Blind Math has a lot of is soul. I got the crowd to sing along and I got them hype with some Bboying. A good time all around, we rocked the show and got paid. Then the band a good friend Sarah, took the show money and bought cubanos.
So, this would have normally made for an epic day by itself, but the day wasn’t over. Cap 6, Buster Wolf, J-See, Stess The Emcee, Enigma September, and DJAtoTheL where throwing a hip-hop show. This show included the legendary KRS-One . When I got to the show, there was a guy ahead of me in the line and he gave me a free ticket. That was super clutch, as I’ve been trying to be super tight with money on this trip.
-If you are reading this post send me an email and I will give you something to say thank you.-
I was able to see the hommie Buster Wolf perform. He killed his performance and after he finished performing, I copped his new project. He even threw in a free tape (I really need to get a tape deck).
Cap 6 also destroyed their set. The crowd’s response was so crazy that after they stopped performing, the crowd kept cheering for a whole minute. A minute of cheering is a long ass time, shit was crazy at a certain point I wasn’t even sure that the crowd was going to stop.
Next up was KRS-One, who had a fun set. He freestyled a ton and interacted with the crowd a bunch. He had a huge mic and stage presence. I will say KRS-One Was rocking a crowd from like eighteen to forty-five and making that shit work.I have a lot of respect for the dude.
I really have found that every time I go to a show like that with an established hip-hop act they always have command over the mic. Word of advice for all you upcoming MC‘s reading this blog spit from your diaphragm.
This is Absolute Zero Defender of the Universe
Return to Day Four: Performance Preparation # 5: Absolute Zero September 5th
–Updates, Music Quest is a Blog by Absolute Zero
-Kill Your Favorite Rapper
–Performance Preparation #1 : Absolute Zero September 1st The DME edition
Performance Schedule Tallahassee
Performance preparation blog(s): Absolute Zero
-Rotten Fest September 6th
–Cakes Da Killa at Club Downunder September 10th
–ILoveMakonnen at The Moon September 17th
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