Performance Preparation # 2: Absolute Zero September 2nd
SEPTEMBER 03, 2015
Here is the next installment of my daily blog leading up the ILoveMakonnen show on the 17th. Look at the previous installments before you start reading this one.
Personal Preparartion # 1
So, today I met with RJ from . He was flipping out about this Ilovemakonnen spot. He was telling me I need to cash out on this opportunity. He said to me “with music you never know when another opportunity like this. Opening up for ILoveMakonnen is huge, you never know when the next shot like this is going to come around.“I couldn’t help feeling more than a little disappointed to hear him say that. Not because what he was saying was in any way wrong, but because I would love capitalize(love to cash out as Rj likes to say)on this opportunity.
This show is likely going to have the highest attendance of any show I’ve done so far. Any opportunity to make some money off this will only help me out in the future. The bad news is that unfortunately I currently do not have anything resembling riches(“an embarrassment of riches” I would like to say). I previously just about sold every piece of merchandise I have, out of stock.
As it turns out having two weeks notice for potentially the biggest show I’ve ever done so far, doesn’t seem to leave me with many options. The limited time makes it difficult to maximize money and the exposure I’m trying to receive. So Rj and I brain stormed for a few hours on how to maximize the gains from this opportunity(well, mostly Rj, because he is the optimistically annoying type at times).
Our session went something like this(super generalization, not how conversation actually went)
Rj Knight: Can you get shirts ?
Absoulte Zero: No the the turnaround time for shirts is way to long I would need at least a month.
Rj Knight: Can you get an autograph?
Absoulte Zero: If I’m lucky, and selling it would be even luckier.
Rj Knight: Can you promote your next album release?
Absoulte Zero: Ya I’m working on the next project, but none of the material is anywhere close to being done.
Rj Knight: Do you have any money so for us to work with?
Absoulte Zero: Almost no capital to speak off. Fuck? Yep Fuck.
Rj kept talking and preparing trying to come up with Ideas for the next one. He already has alot on his plate and he’s trying to help,but none of the ideas he bounced off me seemed like it would help any. When I left he was stressing for ideas but that’s what he does anyway.
So in the end we didn’t end up thinking of anything, but I’m sure there is a lesson somewhere in there about being prepared for the unexpected or something like that. Oh well, we got some other work done while I was there so I can be thankful for that.
Our session went something like this(super generalization, not how conversation actually went)
This is Absolute Zero Defender of the Universe
September 1, 2015 Performance preparation blog
–Updates, Music Quest is a Blog by Absolute Zero
-Kill Your Favorite Rapper
–Performance Preparation #1 : Absolute Zero September 1st The DME edition
Performance Schedule Tallahassee
-Rotten Fest September 6th
–Cakes Da Killa at Club Downunder September 10th
–ILoveMakonnen at The Moon September 17th
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