Performance Preparation #17 : Absolute Zero September 17th
September 17, 2015
-Blog 17 part 2-
Performance preparation blog(s): Absolute Zero
Green Room @ilovemakonnen @abzeromusic @outlawedbeats @fleetwoodboss @850djdoubleg @tankbo561 @blacktarzandme A video posted by Darvon Deshaun (@loserlab) on
So we had to head back to Suchaloser’s place to grab the merchandise. By the time we made it back, Fleetwood had arrived at the Moon. Now I could calm down a bit, all the members had made it to the venue and all we had left to do was wait. A few members of the crew went outside to get in there right mind. While I set up the merch table. Two years of working retail definitely comes in handy when you need to make a display. We were set up right next to the ATM so we weren’t having any of that I didn’t bring any money talk.
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