Performance Preparation #15 : Absolute Zero September 15th
September 15, 2015
-Blog 15 –
Performance preparation blog(s): Absolute Zero
So, today was a day of reflection. I have been super busy and its good to take a moment to just pause and take you life in(Think its the face that the big show is so close). Sometimes you need to make sure your doing, is what you want. This will give you the ability to, if your heading off course re-focus on where to go from here.
I had a long talk with RJ from Youauthorus, and he was helping me towards understanding myself. We talk alot and he says alot of things and today I think I started to understand them better.
You know if you go over your actions and really think about them. We all do a lot of foolish things. I made the decision to spend my time more efficiently and actually accomplish the things(having a friend that stays up days and nights without rest and is very consist with being the best he can be, really rubs off on you).
One day can’t completely change you, but in one day you can change the trajectory that your life will take going forward. Outlaw told me recently that you are your futures self’s guardian angel. Watch out for your self that I want in my life, and I want to show some love to my future self.
If we orient towards improvement we can make our futures better than they would otherwise be(This is my paraphrase of an RJ line). I know this is a bit different from my other post but I have two days to go before this show and I know that no matter what happens from this point my life won’t be the same.
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