Old Woman’s Junkie
An Old Lady named Miss Mae, is at her friend’s store picking up an item from her son. They talk about the troubles withing her family and the neighborhood. Also what is going on in the world, especially in the north of North America. The discomfort with what the government is doing, and how the black market is thriving and its a great place to make money. Well, so say’s her fellow Elder friend, in the middle of their conversation a young and rude man interrupts. He and the lady get into a argument, which the store owner tries his best to deescalate and to divert.
The old Lady, later leaves the store and is going back home with her acquired items. A mugger tries to rob her, being stubborn she refuses to let go and this leads to an enhanced confrontation. Who can or will help her, at such late however. has her stubbornness finally put her in a situation with no exits?
In Life we judge people easily, however those judgements can cause actions to mounted against us or for us. Some people shallowly refer to this as Karma. Is this karma good or bad karma for Miss Mae?
Old Woman’s Junkie PG 1 Written by Rj Knight
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