Meek Mill is in a situation where every battle he gets into results in a loss for him. The reason behind this is physiological and a bit complicated. What is not as complicated is how Meek Mill can turn these losses he’s been taking into future wins for him and his team.
I’m going to break this down a bit more simple into a kinda of list. People like list and I will try to keep it that simple. If you want more context you can listen to my tired off the dome audio about this which actually came first.
*By the way to understand my view points, I must first point out that I think that rap beefs are actually negative to the rapper. I was working on a series to explain and make this position more clear but I’ve been dealing with interpersonal issues (helping friend with life problems). So with that said, let’s get into how Meek Mill can start winning.
#1 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Stop using Twitter
This is very obvious to everyone that is familiar with Meek Mill in any way or shape possible. From my memory I can’t think of any rapper in Hip Hop more synonymous with the famous Twitter Fingers label than Meek Mill. There is no winning for him at this point on Twitter (the way he uses it now). He has to stop having these personal, highly emotional and random exchanges with his audience. He reacts to everything he reads and or happens to him on social media. This gives people who don’t like Meek Mill the ability to attack and corner him into positions that are at best zero sum gains (normally they are lose, lose situations).
If he was not so emotional and more normal with social media, then I would inform him to only respond to the positive responses on social media.
#2 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Stop hanging outwith
This should be very easy to see and also self explanatory to everyone but surprisingly it’s not. I’ve suffered from bouts of this myself in life. I can tell you from personal experience, (past and present) alot of problems will start going away when you work on yourself and also remove yourself from negative company.
I won’t go through Meek Mill‘s affiliation history that would be too long and unnecessary. The recent situations between him, The Game and Beanie Sigel is enough to support my point. The Game has a history of starting or being involved in industry beefs. ‘No matter how cool hanging out with The Game is at present (or in the past), what his behavioral history and thought process shows, is that when he has a problem with you, he will bring it to song and potential rap beef.‘ So, if The Game believes something happened that did not happen, or something seriously offends him, he’s going probably going to start a rap beef.
This line of thinking also applies to street and gang affiliations, do not hang out with thugs, goons, gangstas, pimps, and anybody that lives a negative lifestyle. If these people make money off the misfortune of others and this is what their entire world revolves around. Why would they not bring misfortune to you intentionally or unintentionally.
–#3 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: He needs to
There is a thing that I won’t get that much into now called the Principal of momentum (applied to natural world). How this applies to Meek Mill is that he has so much negative momentum going on in his life. He really needs to do his best to change it. He needs to slow down the negative snow ball that is bearing down on him and also create his own small but positive snow ball, then just let that run.
Alot of the situations and a major fuel to alot of Meek Mills problems comes actually from his relationship with Nicki Minaj (when he’s not directly creating these problems himself ). Now, Meek is still the primary agent creating these problems but his relationship with Nicki seems to amplify them. His under handed actions to gain a romantic relationship with Nicki Minaj, has opened up the karmic door for him to have similar stuff done to him now.
Meek Mill got close to Safaree and seemed to come between him and his wife (when you live together that long you are common law husband and wife, pretty much).
#4 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Apologize to Beanie Sigel
Continuing with this thought process of Meek Mill giving his fans something positive to defend him with. He needs to apologize to Beanie Sigel. There are many reasons for this and many fools who only have their pride (which is only temporarily valuable if that) will say you can never apologize to another man. If Meek Mill apologizes he will actually win the battle with Beanie and take out a lot of steam out of his beef with The Game. Also, in the long run this will give him street credibility with people who really understand the codes.
The reason why Meek Mill needs to apologize is not because he is afraid of Beanie Sigel. You don’t need to be afraid to apologize to someone. You apologize for something you did wrong, or you could’ve done better that is it. What Meek Mill did wrong was that he co-signed the move that someone on his team did when they hit Beanie Sigel.
#5 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Make Amends
Meek Mill needs to also make amends with The Game. Alot of the rationale behind this can be found in #4 apologizing to Beanie Sigel about sucker punching him. If Meek Mill apologizes to Beanie and then moves to squash the beef with The Game it will make it harder for both parties to draw anymore points from beefing with Meek Mill.
The Game vs. Meek Mill battle is pretty much over on the music industry side. The Game has won that, it’s just now about how much damage either side is going to suffer publicly or in the backstreets. Meek is in a bad position because The Game has the moral high ground. He has taken fans from Meek Mill, he has hurt his brand. The biggest win handed to The Game was by Meek Mill‘s own guys when they punched Beanie Sigel in the face sucker punch style.
#6 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: charity and public works
Meek Mill needs to not have any conflicts for atleast two years. He has to stay out of negativity and just move his brand away from all that, the longer the better.
During those two years Meek needs to be building his brand up by doing positivity. Alot of public relations and charity over that time minimum will really help him out. Most of this should be done in Philly. This is going to make it harder for Beanie Sigel, The Game and anyone else to go at Meek Mill. He can start small, doing things like putting new rims at a few basket ball parks in the city. Donating to food drives, hosting events, buying school supplies for kids in the hood and inner city. Using his brand to try and attract more charities to the troubles going on in these negative urban areas.
#7 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Meek Mill It’s time to stop being a part time gangsta
Meek Mill at this point in his life isn’t gaining anything positive from maintaining this gangsta label. It’s okay to stop being gangsta; it’s okay to not be directly in that lifestyle. His implicit gangsta statements or portrayals have opened him up to ridicule by Beanie Sigel. They have also allotted The Game the best position to push and maintain a heavy L on his person. He is fitted to or held by the rules of gangstas, when we see the Meek Mill‘s average moves doesn’t sync with this lifestyle.
Meek has roughly two major path orientations he can follow, either become a super gangsta (which I laid out why this is bad in previous points) or disassociate himself from that all together. This doesn’t mean that Meek needs to become soft. This doesn’t mean he can’t possess firearms, go to parties, etc (Rj laments on Why this combination is never good). He can still be a normal North American street guy. The majority of people that live in the hood are normal street people. They are not gangstas, they at most are affected by the gangsta sub culture that exist in their environments but they are not directly involved in gangsta lifestyle.
–Please Also Consider–
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