#5 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Make Amends
with The Game
Meek Mill needs to also make amends with The Game. Alot of the rationale behind this can be found in #4 apologizing to Beanie Sigel about sucker punching him. If Meek Mill apologizes to Beanie and then moves to squash the beef with The Game it will make it harder for both parties to draw anymore points from beefing with Meek Mill.
The Game vs. Meek Mill battle is pretty much over on the music industry side. The Game has won that, it’s just now about how much damage either side is going to suffer publicly or in the backstreets. Meek is in a bad position because The Game has the moral high ground. He has taken fans from Meek Mill, he has hurt his brand. The biggest win handed to The Game was by Meek Mill‘s own guys when they punched Beanie Sigel in the face sucker punch style.
Game offered to fight Meek Mill in a 1vs1. Wack100 came out recently and reminded us of this proposition. He doesn’t want conflict between two individual parties to escalate into a bloody street and or intercity feud . They just want it to be on the music level and a fair one, that’s it.
Meek Mill said on social media that he doesn’t fight people. He’s too small to fight (that just sounds weak and is not true because a smaller dude from Beanie‘s camp held his own against Meek‘s biggest goon) so he shoots people. Okay, if that is true why co-sign the sucker punch of Beanie Sigel. That means that Meek will fight people that are deteriorated and handicapped but shoot people who aren’t.
Meek Mill claim’s to be a tough guy or a hood dude with stripes or badges but you can only beat up handicap people. This is the lead guy in Philly, this looks pretty bad. Meek has backed himself into another corner, there is no way to explain this away. The best move is to accept the loss and then turn the loss into a power position.
He needs to tell The Game he is done with the beef. That he is trying to operate his business and make money for himself, his people and helping out the people in his city. He needs to hold Wack100 to his words, that their camp doesn’t want people to needlessly get hurt. So if they don’t want that they should let the beef die. The mentally that needs to be adopted is simple ‘beef was and is what it is musically‘, Meek is going to move on and it’s up to The Game to do the same.
Meek needs to keep strong with the the position that he is focused on making money and he doesn’t have time to go back and forth with The Game. He needs to tell The Game public and private, that the lives of the people who really get hurt on the street are in his hands because he will defend himself in conflict and that’s it (in so many words, I give a pretty good example in audio).
If Game really believes in anti-violence, wants the keep bloodshed small and cares about Black Lives, he will stop or wind down the beef. By doing this Meek Mill, is cornering The Game with his own words and previous actions.
Fans of both Meek and The Game are going to be fans of either person for a good while during or after the conflict ( The affects of politics on the mind). The lay person, the causal consumer is the person that is needs to be swayed to add pressure either camp. These people usually don’t see the world through the eyes of rabid fanatics or what people positively like to call themselves fans(I like to use fanbois, humor try to accept it).
More people than either rappers hardline base are going to respect overall mature and well thought out decisions. These actions show power and intelligence, this is why people respect the Mafia and similar organizations.
Mafia and similar groups seek to maneuver themselves in respectable ways to gain the respect and favorability of the common person. This shows up in the romantic notions that media and common people have of these criminal organizations more often than not. Why am I mentioning this, because Hip Hop and its artist especially romanticizes these notions. Meek can easily tap into this and put alot of pressure on The Game. He can hurt his brand and make him think about the cost he is enduring to continue this campaign.
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–Music Thoughts: How Meek Mill can stop losing and
start winning (General Overview)
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-#6 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: charity and public works
-Please also Consider
- Capital 6 – Summer Jelly Vol 2 – Album Review
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