#4 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Apologize to Beanie Sigel
Continuing with this thought process of Meek Mill giving his fans something positive to defend him with. He needs to apologize to Beanie Sigel. There are many reasons for this and many fools who only have their pride (which is only temporarily valuable if that) will say you can never apologize to another man. If Meek Mill apologizes he will actually win the battle with Beanie and take out a lot of steam out of his beef with The Game. Also, in the long run this will give him street credibility with people who really understand the codes.
People that actually understand the rules of the game, are not doing these actions for fun like the majority of people who play gangsta, etc. This is a business, same as the one you go in to buy products or service. The difference is just that the ones you go into normally everyday is supported and subsidized by the government.
The reason why Meek Mill needs to apologize is not because he is afraid of Beanie Sigel. You don’t need to be afraid to apologize to someone. You apologize for something you did wrong, or you could’ve done better that is it. What Meek Mill did wrong was that he co-signed the move that someone on his team did when they hit Beanie Sigel.
One of the immediate problems is the way they hit Beanie, they got him with a sucker punch. You don’t get street credit for sucker punching people, from ‘real’ people anyway. This is not a good look period, even if you think it’s good, it actually shows your weak. If you have to hit a guy as deteriorated as Beanie when he is not aware and traveling that light. This makes Meek Mill and his crew seem very afraid of Beanie Sigel, its hard to take it any other way.
So Meek apologizing for his team sucker punching Beanie and how he handled the situation afterwards will heal alot of those wounds. Meek is not apologizing to make friends with Beanie. Both camps weren’t friends with each other before and that is fine. The sucker punch puts Beanie in a situation where if he continues the Beef he can’t keep the moral high ground.
If Meek apologizes this will pressure Beanie to change his stance. As a OG, the guy who is trying to teach the ‘youngins game’, etc as he claims.. then he needs to chill, if his words are true. Beanie can puff about it for a little bit, but in the long run he will stop. It will make him look bad if he keeps going at Meek Mill and or takes this to real violence.
Have we seen something like this happen before, yes we have. We have seen Meek Mill win before (momentarily) even if it was small. A great example of this is when he started to take the high ground in his twitter beef with 50 cent. It made 50 look petty, the more he went at Meek the worse he looked. Sadly for Meek, being consistent is a real issue. So if this is applied here, especially with the murderous stakes that possibly exist, it should be done. It makes Meek look like a mature, developing person and makes Beanie look petty, small and childish.
If you aren’t still convinced that this will lead to a win for Meek Mill. I will reverse it by showing you how he loses by continuing to beef with Beanie Sigel.
Meek Mill is a very popular rapper, whatever your feelings about Meek, this is the truth. So if Meek Mill loses 30% if his fan base from this beef with Beanie Sigel, this is a major loss for him. If he loses 20% that is still a big lose for him. Any real number you put there, it is still a loss for him. A loss he doesn’t need to have because he is a personality brand. He is a business and the people around him make money off his personality and name. So hurting that is reducing his possible income and earning power.
The other dimension to this problem is that with every beef Meek Mill has this reduces his brand, earning power and longevity in the industry. So, each beef reduces his level and the maximum amount he could potentially optimize in his earnings. So, why continue the beef, wrap it up to stop the leak and bleeding. If this was a business, if this was your salary from your job(the reader) would you think this is a win. Any corpus or firm that keeps bleeding will eventually die.
There are ways to sincerely apologize and not lose strength and position. In the audio file, I actually go over that, so listen to that for how you would apologize to increase your position and strengthen your brand. ( I think 6 mins to 8 mins I start doing the apology).
Return to
–Music Thoughts: How Meek Mill can stop losing and
start winning (General Overview)
Or Continue and Read
#5 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Make Amends
with The Game
-Please also Consider
- Capital 6 – Summer Jelly Vol 2 – Album Review
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