–#3 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: He needs to
apologize to Safaree
There is a thing that I won’t get that much into now called the Principal of momentum (applied to natural world). How this applies to Meek Mill is that he has so much negative momentum going on in his life. He really needs to do his best to change it. He needs to slow down the negative snow ball that is bearing down on him and also create his own small but positive snow ball, then just let that run.
Alot of the situations and a major fuel to alot of Meek Mills problems comes actually from his relationship with Nicki Minaj (when he’s not directly creating these problems himself ). Now, Meek is still the primary agent creating these problems but his relationship with Nicki seems to amplify them. His under handed actions to gain a romantic relationship with Nicki Minaj, has opened up the karmic door for him to have similar stuff done to him now.
Safaree and Nicki Minaj were a couple for a long , long time. Now alot of negative things was done to Safaree in this relationship. Things he should not have tolerated but I can also at the same time understand why he did it.
In our ‘modern’ society many of us are raised our cultured in a gender neutral way. Men are taught to support their woman’s careers and put their egos and gender views aside for ideal gender neutral world. Negative reactions to Safaree‘s sacrifice by both males and females, tell us alot about how close we are to such a gender neutral world. (when you show loyalty be careful with whom you give it to).
Meek Mill got close to Safaree and seemed to come between him and his wife (when you live together that long you are common law husband and wife, pretty much).
Now even if we assume that Meek Mill did not do anything foul to get Safaree‘s wife. He quickly inserted himself into the relationship when the opportunity presented itself. Which looks really bad and is a move that only a low character person would do ( common terms for low character snake, cockroach, rat, etc). It was possible that Safaree could’ve reconciled with Nicki but Meek Mill was doing his best to block that. He seemed to really turn against the man who was supposedly his friend.
Now when you look at the situation form a karma perspective the same principals are at play with Meek Mill in his current problems. It’s funny because at some point the guys even mention Nicki and or the Safaree incident.
This is why you should not covet or take another man’s woman (as you want others to do unto you)
Some people believe that all these guys want Nicki to be there personal woman. Let’s assume that’s true, it might not be true but let’s be in the court room with the devil. The way how Meek got Nicki Minaj was by getting close to her husband. Then he created or used situations where the husband looked bad to attack him for his woman. Further he then tried to ruin his career and life, emasculating him, making him undesirable. Meek seemed to want Safaree to never get back on his feet and be an attractive partner ever again.
Okay, so Meek laid the blueprint of how to get Nicki Minaj. So if people want his woman, they now can follow the same blueprint. They are only doing to Meek, what he did to another man named Safaree. Any man that lust after Meek‘s woman, will look at this as viable possibility if they are serious about going after his woman.
So by Meek admitting what he did was wrong, seeking to make amends and reparations with Safaree, this will be big to deal with his current and future problems in this area. It will be hard for his opponents to keep using the Safaree situation to show what a snake and or rat he is because while that is true, he did do a big one to make amends (he’s to forever stay humble and polite about this). The door will still be there but it just make it harder to use this door.
All of the points stated prior will provide some measure of peace of mind and continue the positive snow ball. All these moves are giving Meek Mill‘s fans something tangible to work with to defend Meek Mill.
#4 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Apologize to Beanie Sigel
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–Music Thoughts: How Meek Mill can stop losing and
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– #4 How Meek Mill turn the L’s into W’s: Apologize to Beanie Sigel
-Please also Consider
- Capital 6 – Summer Jelly Vol 2 – Album Review
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