–Music talks: Ep 1- MF Doom &Ghostface +Collabaration-How Fetty Wap broke and set new music record
Please, This is a full podcast of a show we call MusicTalks. This podcast’s topics and subject matter is at the bottom for all to see. We do these podcast every week. You can watch the limited time full podcast for free(sign up to a free account and watch it if you miss it). Or you can watch the smaller segments of the full podcast.
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Podcast Episode 1 Information below
MusicTalks, is a podcast that deals with various topics related to directly and indirectly about music.
Ep 1 is a podcast
Topic 1: MF Doom and GhostFace
subject 1: Does MF Dooms lack of social media, interviews, and fan interaction hurt him or help him?
-subject 2: Doom and GhostFace project collaboration re-announced, should we take this serious, should we wait?
Topic 2: Run The Jewels
-subject 3: Meow The Jewels Is out. Hardcore rap duo Run The Jewels release a remix album of their RTJ2 album with cat sounds. What does this mean for hip-hop. How serious should we take this?
Topic 3: Drake
-subject 4: Drake made it to 100 songs on the top 100, is he now in the same league with the legends who have accomplished this feat?
Topic 4: Trap music and Drill Music
-subject 5: Is Trap music good?…Is it dead
-subject 6: Is Drill Music just Trap Music
Topic 5: Fetty Wap set new Record in music
Subject 7: Fetty Wap set new Record in music, explaining how and why this happened
Topic 7: The Game‘s Documentary 2 album
-subject 8: Is The Documentary 2 going to be good
-Subject 9: How much is The Documentary 2 going to probably sell?
Topic 8: Favorite rapper of the month: Eastside Crackhead
-subject 10: Eastside Crackhead pros and cons
-Subject 11 : Can Eastside Crackhead make it in Music
-Subject 12: Marketing segments for Eastside crackhead to make it
MusicTalks Podcast segments MusicTalks(Full Podcast)
Next Show, (being editing and coming soon)
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