Personal Introduction of Night
I came to Props & Bonds Saturday Mic Live September 17th to enjoy the monthly show. I especially had to support @Dermdzl.
There were a slew of great artist that came through, it was a great night. I was personally dealing with some mental and emotional issues but that’s become pretty constant so I try to find something sincere to be happy about, being positive. It wasn’t that hard because the people at Catalyst Hip Hop Miami &Props and Bonds Saturday Mic Live are pretty good people. Really solid and positive and its hard to stay in a negative disposition around them for long, especially if you are trying to be positive yourself.
I probably looked the range in some of pictures that end up being taken at the events that night, lol. Through the event I was in alot pain as I have injured my leg. Happily, the event was so awesome. I really tried my best to support and stay in a supportive mental state. I have alot of pain tolerance, but it was discomforting to move.
Once again, I am so happy that I got to be at this event because man, it was special. Its hard to not be moved when the artist put their heart and spirit into their performances. Those things really move me man, I was sincerely happy I got to go this event. I am very happy I can share my memory in words with you, as it is pleasant memory which gives me alot of positive energy.
Personal Recount and View/Impression of Event
Props and Bonds Saturday Mic Live is a organic Hip Hop event held at Catalyst Hip Hop Miami usually in Miami Springs, every month (so monthly). The event showcases local talent in Miami (mostly. However other acts from different locals come through. The event is free, which is rare and the talent level of the hosts Kosi and Luni are really high. They really do an amazing job. I think alot of other hosts do not have the ability and range of improvisational skills that these guys have.
Luni was there early but Kosi didn’t arrive yet. I was tired but made sure I got there early. The last few shows I have been more than a bit late. Normally during the show I am actually writing and doing other work which was something tried not to do this time (I’m pretty busy, however I try to help Absolute Zero with this music stuff). The show started off with a longer Cypher than normal.
To be honest with myself, I progressively got worse during the Cypher. I hold it more against myself as it why it was not what it could’ve been. That night I was not in my average space much less the zone. I was really off, and dealing with some things. I probably wouldn’t have touched the performance grounds that night if I thought it wasn’t necessary. There was not enough people at the beginning that was ready to cypher. It was a bit sad as there were people that had the skills to do it. I think the sudden nature probably was a reason why they did not push it. Also it probably wasn’t a prime night for them either. They probably just weren’t feeling it. As a person who loves the Off the Dome set, I wish that was done better. More by us the ones that have the ability to do this difficult skill.
First Official Artist of the night
The first act was Derm, he was amazing. He had alot of energy, which really kick started the show and got everyone pumped. People really enjoyed Derm but what I enjoyed most was his bars. When I hear Derm freestyle, I usually like his energy and flow. He’s been telling me about his projects and I got to hear some of his work.
I was really happy to listen to his music, because he had some really nice bars that people did not listen deep enough to. If I had to state one thing that could’ve been better in Derm‘s performance. The one thing that would have the most immediate gains for him. It would have to be the clarity of his vocal announcement of his bars. It’s important because I don’t think enough people immediately pick up how high level and nice his lines are.
I really like Derm‘s schemes, I think schemes are really important for an artist in Hip Hop. I really appreciate the way you come to, express and play with the lines. I like to think; I don’t really want to hear generic lines or schemes.
Derm has alot going for him, his lines sincerely are really amazing. I enjoyed the show he gave me. Hopefully, I will get to hear him again. Listening to him honestly made me happy, because that was Hip Hop.
Second Official Artist of the night
The next act was Southern Slaves, they are pretty good group. This night wasn’t the same for them for whatever reason. I can say this their off nights (from hearing before a few times) is still better than most artist on nights. I really enjoy listening the them when I hear them perform. They are majorly talented, not much more say about them. Please listen to them, and push them by leaving them a message. Alot of artist need pushes from their fanbase to keep moving. Southern Slaves needs the push because they are too talented to not push forward.
Third Official Artist of the night
Young Blessing‘s performance was good, because he leaves his soul in his performance. He’s an artist that carries his emotions on his sleeve. This can be good and it can be bad, but you will never be cheated by a performance by Young Blessing. He’s a good guy from my interactions with him. He works hard and he’s only going to get better and better. I really enjoy listening to him because I really like the soul. That is big thing for me, his songs really helped to emotionally stabilize me at the time.
Fourth Official Artist of the night
The most surprising and moving performance was by Tamika J. She was amazing to me, I think she was amazing to most people in the room. I have not heard her work before until that night.
I was deeply moved, maybe because I was so emotional overall ( I deal with alot, and I get maxed out by one chief agent). Tamika is artist who has a beautiful voice and so much presence. I noticed her in the building, doing her thing but I didn’t really know she was a performer.
When Tamika started to perform it was like she was possessed by the spirit of her music. What I really want when I watch a performer is to connect with that person’s spirit. I connected and then some with Tamika J.
Each song that she performed was just, wow .Honestly, she was just wow, she commanded the floor like a star. If a show needs to be moved, she is on the front list of people I would recommend to move it.
I would love to see Tamika perform again. I will be listening to her music in my past time from now on. Hopefully it will be a powerful as her live performances.
Note: I was seriously pain by the time she was performing. Normally, I go up and support artist if not enough people are giving energy. I understand that this is really important for performing artist. She so powerful, I was depressed that my legs were so damaged that I could not fully enjoy the flow or her performance better with my body. I could not fully vibe to it, but I did best that I could. I was happy to do so, because I was that much in awe. I rarely am in awe of a performance, I thought it was amazing and moving.
Fifth Official Artist of the night
I did not think someone could follow Tamika immediately without a intermission to cool down her stage presence. Yeah, I was wrong, and I am happy I was wrong. Protege Q, was amazing…I might change that to great. He made me a fan, not a man that is cool or good fan. No, I mean a fan, like I will pay to go see this guy perform again.I will drive out to see this guy perform again, type of fan.
If I need someone for a show, I’m checking for Protege because he is amazing. His songs really, touched alot of professionals in the room. I could see it, it touched me but man, did I see it touch others. This guy was born to do this, what I saw in him was similar to what I saw in Tamika J. ‘Flat out talent, pure talent, honed by skill and passion‘.I could see that Protege‘s going to get better and better because you could feel his love for art.
Control: stage presence, flow, breath control , etc are all the things I look for in a performing artist. Protege has all of this at more than passing grades. Nothing jumped out to me as problem that needs improvement for the next level. If any complaint I had was that he was so good, I had to keep moving to his rhythm. My body was really in pain at this point, so it protested alot during his performance but my mind was elevated by the music it was experiencing.
I encourage people to look for this guy more. Its not just the talent or the passion, its the drive and the level headed personality I see present in Protege. Support this guy because he’s an investment that will more than pay you back throughout your life.
Sixth Official Artist of the night
The last performer was named Spaz. I have had the great pleasure of hearing Spaz freestyle a few times over the years. I have also had the pleasuring of talking to him and getting know him.
Personally, I think Spaz is one of the best MCs I have heard. I really mean that, Spaz backed up my feelings to everyone present that night. I was so much pain by this time but I had to come in the room to support his performance. Sadly, someone was talking to me about Hip Hop and asking me questions so I missed his introduction. However when finally went into the room, he was a mixture of amazing and great.
The performance was so impressive, he did a great job closing out. I have seen him put in the work on these tracks. Practicing performing, working hard and that was the pay off, he gave the crowd a true Hip Hop experience. I am sure people left as fans of Spaz that night.
I am a fan of his work, I admire his talent. If I have a show to do, Spaz is on the top of the top of my list of a performers I need to perform. When I think of skilled MCs, Spaz is in my tier one list.
What I love about him as an artist that he’s getting better. I mean he’s already ridiculously good. He’s one of those guys that draws my competitive spirit. That’s when I know your truly special as an artist. Listen to his work, you can find him at Catalyst Hip Hop Miami. One of the coolest guys I know, there are lot of artist who can be less than pleasant in person. Spaz is not like that, when you meet him in person it won’t hard to be a fan.
Personal Conclusion of Night
All in all this was one the best shows I have been to because pretty the entire set left their spirits on the floor. I have been to a lot of shows where people perform and go through the motions but there is no passion. They just do it, they can be there, they can have skill but that doesn’t mean they love the moment. The artist tonight are sharing their spirits, being possessed by their craft. Giving me a reason why I should listen live.
Honestly, there are many artist that I have a more pleasant time listening to their audio track than attending their events live. Not an absolute knock against the artist but some artist are not good performers.Their music sounds better on stored tracks than hearing them in person.
I thank Props and Bonds for that night and Catalyst for hosting the event. I would also like to thank all the artist for giving me such amazing performances and all the people that showed up. The audience really was big for returning the energy from the entertainers as best they could. I am looking forward to the next Props and Bonds Saturday Mic Live. I hope I will be alive and able to see it, Thanks.
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