I met Don Julio about now two weeks back(consciously, I may have seen him or met him before, its very possible). I heard him and his associates practicing. Normally I would’ve just left but Don Julio seemed to be a cool and good dude, well so did the other people room. So they opened the floor up and was really going over ways to make their performances the best for the audience. Which is huge positive, being constructive I stayed around and I tried to stay still like a background. I was able to hear Don Julio‘s newer stuff, which he was going to use for the event.
The following week I arrived, yes I arrived to Props and Bonds. You should check out and attend this event, its monthly, plus its really good. The host are great guys, I’ve seen them around before. Sometimes I am not conscious of social things (because man… I got alot of heavy stuff going on. Some mega heavy life stuff man, like people’s lives weight and mine I guess). However I do get the feeling and from vague memory that they are cool dudes. With all that said go check out there event, honestly its one of the better organic Hip Hop events in Miami(personally). The guys seem to be standout men, I don’t believe they are type to attack you maliciously or do some ill stuff on the side, so no worries man. The event is good, the people are good and its of the Catalyst brand quality, as it linked to or a subset of Catalyst Hip Hop. Which is one of the best Hip Hop organizations in Florida(yeah, I said that and I mean that). Its hard to get genuine and really good and positive people. I’ve seen places try but Catalyst has it already and Props and Bonds, keeps the spirit. I think that spirit and positivity also really helps the show and the performers there such as Don Julio and others were just amazing that night.
-Alot of the acts were amazing and the intermissions were really good. The intermissions were mostly just Freestyles and Cyphers from alot of artist that were in attendance in the building. The intermission sessions really created an organic feel that is hard to find at other events(I’ve been to others), which made it amazing with energy from the audience. Sadly I didn’t get to see Don Julio or a performer by the name of Ace Acey mix it up on that level. However while on the mention of Ace Acey, who preformed before Don Julio and was really good (If you want to know more about him then click the link before or in the text). He has a song with Don Julio called Live and Die MIA. That song below and its a song to chillax (a extra level of chill), Its a nice homage to Tupac‘s “Live and Die in LA“.
Listening to Julio practice, seeing him on stage and then hearing him later at home(album and tracks on the internet). I have a better or more rounded perspective of him. I think he’s naturally a better performer than a track master (musician who makes great tracks and singles, however that does not necessarily translate to great performances at shows). He’s sorta like our resident Absolute Zero, who is similar but has more experience under the belt as an artist(it seems).
Don Julio‘s debut is coming out in October ,and I liked what I heard when he performed. The crowd really responded and so did I. The response really goes back to his natural skills as a performer. When I heard him practice it was good but when I heard him perform the song it was way better. He’s the type of guy that raises to the live occasion. That is a difficult thing to find, and he has that naturally. So when you pay for a event featuring Don Julio, you are going to get your money’s worth because he will go beyond his best.
When I rate an artist I look at their potential and their actualization (were they are at in craft). Then I cross analyze the two, Don Julio has alot of potential. He will learn and improve alot of the other skills he needs, the intangibles he already has. The negative criticism that was mentioned (nothing major just an MC perspective that is a bit flawed), I will address and turn that into constructive criticism. I am focusing on this more than necessary because I feel this is something that comes up in Hip Hop and its really not well understood like how people who thought Freestyling was only off the dome (which is false, two different kinds).
– Music Talks : Constructive criticism Don Julio (releasing very soon)-
I think “Truth-Too High” is a good weed song that I can see people riding out. I mean, when I listen to it, I nod my head in appreciate through the entire song. I would not mind putting this song in a playlist of solid to good weed songs (Bone Thugs have to be in the list).
Moving away from the track for a bit because his work is very solid (just listen). I really like Don Julio‘s personality. He’s a personable and humble guy, the kind of guy its hard to not root for. Alot of people making the kind of music that he does, get a misplaced idea that they have to be ‘super gangstas‘. Thankfully, he is wise enough to understand that this is not necessary (most people that do that are not even close to being hard) and that it is a strength to have great personality.
I think his easy personality really helps him get along with the crowd. I liked the way he talked and interacted with them, even trying to get a girl in the stage who was a admirer of his music to preform with him (she would sing the vocals for a female singer on the back track who was not present). Its hard to teach these traits to performers, so his ease with them is a strong trait that I feel I can’t overstate.
After performances Don Julio is very approachable and seems to be hungry to want to hear constructive criticism on how he can improve and become better. Its pulling and you can fall into his quiet gravity without realizing it. The artist that I have seen do this, look for and take criticism all have rapidly become better, and I mean alot better.
For Don Julio its better to listen to his tracks and wait. What I heard that night is the new level he’s at, and what you will hear in most of these tracks is the old level(because they are older songs). I think that his October debut will probably be very strong. I think that is the local album to look for around that time. So put it on your list and If I am alive in that time and I have the means to do so I will try to review it. So I can measure his improvement and give a better take on him because the gap from what I experienced in person and what I hear on tracks is there. Its funny because by October’s release he will probably be alot better again. He seems to be a artist to track, for all the reasons I listed above.
I try to be fair and balanced with everything so check out his work below. I listed three tracks, that I think were varied, also an interview so you can see the type of guy he is kinda is. His new stuff is pretty good and One Big Lick was really good, but its honestly to me, better when he performs it on stage. Look out for him, he’s a talent and if he keeps at this he will be a main dude in Miami rap scene.
Please also consider
The Spotlight: Music Talks Acey Ace
The Spotlight: Hip Hop 4 Flint, helping to light the way for tomorrow’s better Flint
Music Quest Log: Ending up at Props and Bonds to show some support for local artist
Follow Rj’s board Hip Hop and Music on Pinterest.
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