Music Quest Log: Ending up at Props and Bonds to show some support for local artist
Another event day int the music quest logs.- I had alot to do before I even got to Saturday Mic Live event. It was quite the build up from the week before (see Music Quest Intro). I arrived to the event, to support a few of the artist that I had seen perform the week prior. I was in for a nice surprise this time around because alot of things happened at this event which made it the local Hip Hop event of the month.
So much ground to cover so check below to read, so many things happened and I try to go section by section. So follow the links for more and keep on reading
I had met at on Feb 14th quite a few of the rappers who destroyed their sets and burnt the cyphers at Props and Bonds monthly event (one week later). The artist practicing had alot of raw talent, this is my first conscious time meeting Divine Don Julio( could’ve seen him around but wasn’t as conscious of it).
I really felt his music, its not just that the music is good. Its really that the content is spiritual accepting to me from an understanding level(that he played at the event, really licked “One Big Lick“). What I mean, is that many times I hear rappers talk about the streets and problems but ironically they don’t understand the streets. I don’t even care if they hang out on the streets, they don’t understand it. So, this is a bit better when people are writing from the experiences or experiences of others and not creating it from their minds(usually).
Don Julio‘s music content was sound, it was great. I mean when your listening to raw and live music, its very different feeling that sometimes can’t be replicated on a track. I value the content highly, that is what makes the artist the artist. In Hip Hop that is what separates rappers from singers. I promised I would come and support him and the other artist practicing in the room. I mean I really liked them and they had talent, plus I was coming back next week to work on Absolute Zero‘s Bboy material.
–Check out the songs from Don Juilio that I like
– So fast forwarding to week of interest Feb 15-21, I listened to Absolute Zero‘s new Low Fi Track and we discussed the implementation of this new project. So their might be new material put inside the Bboy training videos.(which I intend to rename Training for Bboy videos). With that aside mentioned, we came to get some footage so that we can be a bit ahead(see consistency problems)
-I knew Don Julio was going to good but I was surprised by Ace Acey, I didn’t know about him but was really pleased also with his music. I heard it and I was like this is mint. I feel like Ace Acey could’ve worked the crowd a bit better but his musical performance was so good that it had a great effect on the crowd anyway. I really wonder how high it could’ve gotten if he put the work in before but he’s definitely going to just get better(as well as Don Juilo).
– I have alot to say about Ace Acey who’s project Blue and Red , was surprising one of the best albums I have heard from a local Miami artist. Check out more about Ace Acey as I really try to focus more on him not only as an artist but as it pertains to marketing and growth potential.
-Check out Blue and Red
-There was some other really good artist but I can’t remember all the names by this time and some of the contact information has some error(will fixed later at some point in time hopefully). I didn’t verify properly as I was zoned out after hearing about the death of a rapper in West Palm beach named Chris. It hit me hard, so it took me out but I can see that the Cyphers were amazing.
Side Note : I really have alot of heavy stuff going on, so hearing what is up with Chris (Alot of the guys over their in West Palm are cool dudes, had fun the times I visited) and then this which I forgot about because you get caught up in life problems that you can’t solve due idiocy
Absolute Zero was really nice, only did one shot but was nice. Try tape it next time so you can see the resident performer do what he is suppose to do.
The Host(s) at the event are cool guys and also I really like there music too. I wish we had gotten their performance at Catalyst Bboy competition (find that here). I have seen them a few times before and everything but I always come to the spot in gaps(which means long periods in between…..heavy life stuff, heavy life stuff….sigh). They are really good host(s). If you have show and need good host, these guys are really good, improvisation is not easy for a lot of people. I’m thinking of putting up a list for just people I think are good host and or performers(yeah… maybe..).
–Hakim Green came in the building to tell us about what’s going in Flint. He talked the organization Hip Hop 4 Flint and really shed some light on the situation in Flint. Life takes us up and sometimes we forget about situations that are so heavy, especially situations that we can change. Not only did Hakeem Green drop bars for us as special gift. He also parted information alot of the artist in the room to be able to perform at their event coming up to possible raise money for Flint Michigan.
Water is essential to life and the lead levels in that water is something that is wow. I will probably write something on that to put it in perspective about how dangerous this is and compare it with history because just saying thing is dangerous is imprinting as showing us or giving the information to put into understandable terms. I think it was really well placed message and I think that alot of the guys that performed should send their information to hopefully get drafted for the event (hosted by Hip Hop 4 Flint). I’ll do the best I can as well, I plan to donate despite my obvious current poverty. I also am trying put some value because its not always monetary.
– I had a very good time, at Props and Bonds, it was great event and I would re-visit and I encourage anyone that likes Hip Hop performances on real level to attend and see their monthly shows. I had more stuff for the night and the following day but I will leave that for another log in the Artist and Music quest Logs
– Please also check out for this serial event Flip The Script. I mean its some of the best beats you will here being made for competition in a short interval of time(everyone gets same sample). If you have nice skills and or want to improve, you can join its easy and go against in my opinion some of the best to make beats, period.
Also in a similar location, another event is coming up, this is for the Bboys to earn some cash but more importantly the respect and feeling of achievement from competing. If you can’t go please share, there maybe someone who knows someone that is linked to you that will go. That’s how these things work, I get alot of stuff from you guys this way.
Thank you so much, you can find past events reviewed by Absolute Zero below on Bboying. Again check out his series on Training for Bboying, and if you don’t know anything about technical side of music follow his work(if you want to add related subject and topic information be sure, you can contact me) on DJ and Audio Engineering(Quick Explanations).
-As always thanks to Catalyst, a wonderful organization here in Miami. You can come to the Miami outpost which is always inviting. Essentially, its the organization that host most of the information that this log is currently talking about. I like the West Beach branch its nice and I heard about Homestead. They do a big service for Hip Hop, and I would like to see the organization grow.
As we grow, I hope to be able to help similar organizations that I know to be doing good, and has good people because positive people are sadly, hard find. You don’t have to be DNA related to be family and Catalyst has that vibe where they put alot of sacrifice for you(that is what families and people who love are suppose to do).
– If you want Dance out these guy(Nonm) who is at Catalyst on Tuesdays.
– I wanted to pass the light that they shined to me, to shine it to you so you can see and have a chance to do something. There are people that feel that they do not have the funds to do anything to help. That’s only true when its one individual but if many people do a little it becomes alot. The world is the way it is today not really because of the big things and or moments, its the little ones. So just think of it as an opportunity cost, you can easily side step that extra Arizona(1$ ) or Big Texas Cinnamon bun(1$).-King of Champions Catalyst Hip Hop Event
King of Champions Catalyst Miami Hip Hop Event
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