Is Kanye West ruining his Discography


Youauthorus Music Talks: Is Kanye West Ruining his Discography.

-Kanye has a pretty good Discography. Absolute Zero, began to ponder if his latest work is ruining that musical legacy. Rj Knight disagrees and this is the core of the podcast at this time the campus in Miami Dade North Campus(I like going to different locations to do pods, tell us if you guys like it or want us to return to how it use to be more controlled).


MusicTalks Podcast segments MusicTalks(Full Podcast)

Past Show: Is Kanye West ruining his Discography

Next Show: R’j’s Reponse  to Mike’s Thoughts Old Slaves (coming soon)

Mike’s Thoughts – Old Slaves


Loser Lab holiday sale tarts this Coming Monday


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