12986 SW 89th Ave, Miami, Florida 33176, nfo@artistic-vibes.com, ArtisticVibesMiami@gmail.com
Artistic Vibes
Artistic Vibes is one of the best performance arts (Poetry, Theatre, Music, Comedy, etc) venues in Miami. Easily their Open Mic Thursday weekly shows are arguably the best in Greater Miami. If anyone knows a better place,please feel free to notify me. Its all around better for the collective arts community and I would definitely like to promote such a place, right beside the place I am talking about now called Artistic Vibes.
One of the key reasons I think Artistic Vibes is the one of the best if not the best spot in Miami is the supportive family vibe that is present within the organization. Tremendous talent walks in and resides within the venue. It is an extremely impressive collection but the ability to cultivate and develop talent is an especially important feature in Open Mic events. To help talent take it to the next level, official shows are put up such as Re-Verb, Laugh Attack and more… they are always doing new things. I have been to Artistic Vibes enough times to have some surety about the consistency of the vibe and average talent level. Its a great spot to practice and develop your craft, Check out Artistic Vibes Miami.
An important question to first tackle is where is Artistic Vibes and then secondly how do you even perform there. The answer to the first question is, 12986 SW 89th Ave, Miami, Florida 33176 this the address for Artistic Vibes. So now you can easily plug it into your GPS because that might be the reason half of you are reading this.
The answer to the second question is also really simple and involves a few clicks. You will have to go to Artistic Vibes website. Send them a message telling them that you would like to perform and what type of performances you do. If they message back then you are booked. It is wise to do this early after there open mic or the show you are looking forward to performing at (example right after a Re-verb event). So as soon as that show is over, register right after, don’t wait days and then try to be booked the night before. Wise advice, so that you can end up the stage for my enjoyment. If you never get contacted back, please send an email asking about that. It has happened to me but because I was respectful (always try to be at all times in life) this was easily sorted out. I am sure it can be easily sorted out for you (friend, relative, individual performer, manager, etc) or another other performer.
The cost for entry to Artistic Vibes Open Mic is $5 for non performers. Which you don’t have to pay if you are a performer. Now if any complaints may exist about these fabulous low prices, please try to remember they are a business. If that statement went over the heads of any readers (esp those who think the price is high). To keep the doors open to continue to put on these amazing shows, they need to make more money than what they pay to have the building maintenance, have power, etc. When you consider the fact that other places might charge more than five dollars and that some acts that enter may go on to do shows that are atleast 3x the price (for the math impaired that means at least $15), 5 Dollars is not that expense anymore (yes, I know some incredibly cheap people).
The Staff is really nice and organized. Most times they will attempt to contact you before to confirm your performance. Which is a really basic but greatly appreciated function. A lot of organizations in Miami actually don’t do this at all. Its really just pure chance and mostly potential time wasting if your main goal is just to perform in front of an audience.
If for some reason you do not get to perform but you have showed up to perform on time. The Host Quills Rodriguez will actually work with you to help make sure this is remedied. This has happened to me before. I’m not really a performer, as I like to orient towards the background. However I was able to perform thanks to the care and support of the staff.
Performers should arrive before 9:00 PM. If you are a musician then you will want to do sound check. The sound engineer Kenny is really nice and he’ll do his best to help you optimize your performance.
At 9:00 PM the show starts and MC Quills is in action. She is one of the best host I have ever seen. She very dynamic and has an extreme talent for improvisation. I find her to be an amazing comic and she does a great job of prepping the crowd for the performers.
When you perform they are very good at giving you signal queues to let you know when your time is almost over. They can and do personalize the queues for any disabilities you might have (if you have any), really such a nice bunch.
What good is a place to perform without a good audience. Artistic Vibes has that, a small but good supportive audience. I have sometimes seen material go over the head of the audience but I have always felt, that attention and care was being directed at the performers work. Which is the most important principal aspects an audience can have, to listen, observe and consider the material presented.
After performances audience members regularly seem to congratulate and offer insight for artistic improvement. I have seen old footage of performers that have graced the stage there and the improvement from regular attendance is pronounced (please thank the audience). This would not be much better than practicing at home if it was not for the wonderful regular audience members.
Really cool events are held at the the venue to keep the audience participatory. Star Wars, Game of Thrones and other pop themed events are held to keep the entertainment value high. Costume wearing can sometimes happen at these events, which give it a cosplay like vibe at times. These events are the spice that leads up their once a month serial event called Re-verb.
What is Re-Verb, its not an Open Mic event for starters. It is an official show, that Artistic Vibes host, so in typical fashion it has headliners and special guest. The price is higher than Open Mic Thursday, I believe its $10. The value that is received however is more than the price paid, easily. The difference between Re-Verb and Open Mic Thursday is that your getting everyones best material. So if your new to Artistic Vibes, go on a Re-Verb night. Its also really good to bring friends, family and or dates (I have not done that yet, but maybe..). The lights are low and arts do tend to have the ability to bring people closer together.
(Elaboration) Another thing of note about Re-Verb and why you should bring someone along (doesn’t have to be a date, just invite a friend and tell them to pay their way)is that you get the best elements of Artistic Vibes period. Re-Verbs can be costumed themed, they have prizes like normal open mic days and they usually bring some X factor that is there to please even the regulars.
Click here for more info on the show
Aside from Re-Verb another prominent serial event that is host by Artistic Vibes is called Laugh Attack. personally I have never been to Laugh Attack but I have attended the Open Mics. I have seen the hilarious comedic performances, that literally sometimes had my stomach hurting in protest to my loss of stoic disposition. I think the sets are super original for some of these guys and Quills brings it every time (I appreciate her humor). The comedy there is really high in level, that is for sure. I would definitely invite and bring people to a Laugh Attack. I am sure it will be good, I honestly don’t have much to say because I’m just that confident in the comedy that comes out of Artistic Vibes. If I had to rate what the strongest factors are there its comedy, musical talent and then poetry. Other arts exist and performed but those are the three that are showcased by performer consistently and the highest volumes I have seen in my trips (to Artistic Vibes and or other similar venues). Sometimes somethings are just so good, you don’t have to really say much. So just attend a Laugh Attack show and see for yourself. If you can’t make it, then attend one of the Open Mics, the comedians will make you re-visit the idea of attending Laugh Attack. So many more comedians, so much more comedy time.
Eat and Follow Moroccan Bocadillos
Food is an issue that people tend to think about when they are at a location intaking a show. Artistic Vibes has that covered as well (get the pun……sigh, no one understands me). Normally great restaurants on wheels do work with the show. These restaurants on wheels are very impressive looking, especially when you look inside because you can see its very clean and neat (Hygiene is important). I’ve had the pleasure of eating from Moroccan Bocadillos (amazing Moroccan food, amazing salad.. support Moroccan restaurants not enough of them in Miami) and Purple People Eatery (I loved their Bison Burger, no seriously it was so good. Free Range meat is so much better than corporate farmed meat, try it). They bring in different restaurants to keep things fresh it seems but I would not mind a schedule setup letting me know which restaurants will be there ahead of time and on what dates (I am missing the Moroccan food and the Bison Burgers, I would definitely be there on days I know they are around). I’m very routine about what I eat… I think I am routine guy in general but I have been told by many women that I’m spontaneous or enigmatic so… maybe its just only towards food (personal insight). I’m now getting really hungry, so let’s change the topic a bit from food.
The gang at Artistic Vibes have there own podcast I believe. Later I will put it up and link it back with this page or do an update. I have not heard the podcast myself but we can all listen to it together. I know that they are really into the nerd life, and some are professed geeks .I am a very athletic geek who has insomnia ( my dog walking me up all night doesn’t help, gone are the days they just ate your homework…. I blame computers) and no free time, I will cast my emo geek vote (because emo geeks became cool after Final Fantasy 7) on whether its actually geeky or just nerdy (there is a difference…this is why I don’t get invited to nerd parties anymore).
Interesting events are related to Artistic Vibes (as they have cards and other promotional in the front that tell me so… yes, it was that easy to find it out that they do this..can’t pretend to be Sherlock Holmes without someone pointing out the obvious). So you can always find out cool stuff about what is going on in the local nerd and geek community with them( Artistic Vibes and no I am not doing this to hypnotize you to the name and leave it in your memory if you read this far.. ).
Doing all the activities that Artistic Vibes and its staff takes on really takes lots of energy and drive. That is honestly not something that everyone possesses the ability to do. In my quest to write, I have learned intimately that not everyone can be consistent. The aspects that the Artistic Vibes staff need to do they consistent deliver on, it is really amazing (even if we moved quality to the side). Even more amazing is that their quality is actually very high. I compare like things to like things and I believe they will get bigger and bigger. Sadly they may get so big they may have to leave the building they are in currently (I like that spot… so, that is why its sad …if move happened, the nostalgia of eating good food and listening to performances …..).
Once again if you like to listen to really good performers and or perform your craft in front of an audience (Music, Poetry, theatre, Comedy, etc). Check out Artistic Vibes Miami’s Thursday Night Open Mic. Every month you can get a great show for a really low comparative cost (high quality, very reasonable price), called Re-Verb. Additionally they have Laugh Attack, which is also amazing and well priced show that is focused on comedy. A New Re-Verb and Laugh Attack show is just around the corner. So follow Artistic Vibes Miami on Facebook, Twitter, and check out there website (that’s how you sign up to perform). Lets do what we can to develop the arts in Miami and hopefully one day, I will see you performing or attending at Artistic Vibes as well.
–Work above subject to updates, will re-post when modifications and updates are- -made–
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A small sample of some of the amazing artist that have and attend Artistic Vibes (subject to updates)
Robson Pires – What We’re Living For (E-Studio Sessions)
One of my favorite musicians period. If you attend Artistic Vibes its possible you can hear him perform. I will be re-working my articles and making a few new ones related to this awesome talent. Whose songs and style really relate to me personally and I hope to you as well.
David Bernard – Lovely
–David Bernard is a really good signer and his band Relief is really good. What is really amazing about these guys is there work ethic. I have a few more articles in the works for David Bernard and Relief. The song is ” Lovely ” and when you play it for someone it will be a “Lovely ” moment.
Naturally @ArtisticVibes (Poetry)
–Manny The Poet, hopefully I can listen to him again perform his poetry at Artistic vibe. I have two articles on Manny and I hope I will be able to write alot more. If you like what you heard, then Subscribe to Manny’s Youtube channel. Every Subscription is a vote, saying we want more poems. Also Follow him on Facebook and similar vote. We need to support poets, I know its not as glamorous as singers but they are not that far off.
Original “Brave” for Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist (Hiromu Arakawa)
Gio Navas another really powerful singer. The vocals, the range, the instrumentation skills and the biggest plus she actually wrote this song. Check out her channel because she really writes good songs. If you like Animanga, then you will appreciate her music and her personality. Gio Navas would have been really awesome at HeroHype Con. I mean she would have brought the convention down. So, if there was ever someone in the Animanga world to follow aside from me of course (kidding). Gio Navas is a talent you should follow, and lets support because I would love to hear her music opening for new anime productions.
Absolute Zero – I See – Music Video
Absolute Zero, might be the only rapper currently in the list at Artistic Vibes. I have attended a few times with him to show support. He’s really a great artist and a better performer, he really showcases passion and intensity when he is on the stage (inner person take over). This is one of my favorite songs if not my favorite from Absolute Zero. Its the birth of the mask, a fun song and has some nice meanings. Its more importantly the start of The Defenders of the Universe. Checkout links to be able to read the lyrics and for more of Absolute Zero’s tracks. Additionally you can click over to his artist page to see the work that has been an insomnia driving effort to produce.
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