This is the input list ( Production list with dates for expected release) that I’m working with now. These are the things that I have to do, when I feel like I’m prepared for them (I create alot of problems, have alot of issues and trying my best to be a person that deals with those issues instead of dumping them on others).
I’m putting them out so hopefully people can hold me to account. I know that the website had hundreds of readers and thousands of views. I’ve literally messed up all that up with my dysfunction. We’ve went into all these directions to help me because I was doing things that I was incredibly dangerous to myself and others. Rj did these things to help me find something positive I can do, so I could become more stable.
The site was supposed to originally be just about Animanga and novels (stories that Rj would write and release). I feel really bad about this but because of my involvement we went into all these directions that has made everything confusing. This is why I started doing my Repentance Blog.
In order to show the changes I’m trying to make, to show my growth and to work on myself, I’m putting out a list of the work I”m doing.
Honestly alot of times RJ was taking the blame (or looking bad) for me, and we lost a lot (pretty much everything is way lower because of my actions). He lost a lot in doing this over many years because he had been working on this even before I met him. I’m going to put up my stuff so people know, and this way I can keep up with the dates I’m setting for myself. I want people to know because I want to put everything on front street to help act as a forcing mechanism to keep me more on track.
– Editors Note: Due to lack of titles, zero structure and or late notifications the dates for many of these will be different.
- Absolute Questions RJ Responces Can Iraq Get Better 10/07/16
- Absolute Questions RJ Responces Solving The Refugee Problem in Europe 10/07/16
- Absolute Questions RJ Responces Is Ash Ketchum in a Pokeball 10/07/16
- Absolute Questions RJ Responces Solving Immigration in USA and then 2nd part in Europe 10/07/16
- Absolute Questions RJ Responces Do Plants Have Intellegnce 10/07/16
- Repentance Log 1 10/08 /16
- Philosophy Talks Difference Love and Lust 10/08/16
- Philosophy Talks What Do Women Love About You 10/08/16+
- Philosophy Talk 10/08/16
- Repentance Log 2 10/10 /16
- Philosophy Talk 10/11/16
- How Good Was Tim Tebow 10/11/16
- How Good Was Bret Favre 10/11/16
- How Good Was Tom Brady 10/11/16
- Do The Patriots Need Tom Brady 10/11/16
- Why Are The Patriots So Dominant 10/11/16
- Les Miles Should not have gottone Fired [Football Talk] 10/11/16
- Why Football Coach Firing are Ruining Football[Football Talk] 10/11/16
- How Good Was Tim Tebow [Football Talk] 10/11/16
- How Good Was Bret Favre [Football Talk] 10/11/16
- How Good Was Tom Brady [Football Talk] 10/11/16
- Do The Patriots Need Tom Brady [Football Talk] 10/11/16
- Why Are The Patriots So Dominant[Football Talk] 10/11/16
- Repentance Talking to a Friend at Catalyst 10/12 /16
- Beinie Segal The B.Coming [Classic Review] 10/12/16
- The Game Documentary [Classic Review] 10/12/16
- Wu Tang Clan Enter The 36 Chambers [ Classic Review] 10/12/16
- J. Cole Cole World [Classic Review] 10/12/16
- Buster Wolf Zodiac EP [Local Review] 10/12/16
- [Music and Sound] Introduction 10/13/16
- Music and Sound Comega Show Set Up, When Passive Speakers are Better [Music and Sound] 10/13/16
- Upgrading the Catalyst Set Up Part 1: The Turntables [Music and Sound] 10/13/16
- Upgrading the Catalyst Set Up Part 2: The Stage [Music and Sound] 10/13/16
- Upgrading the Catalyst Set Up Part 3: The Rack [Music and Sound] 10/13/16
- Sythesisers [Music and Sound] 10/16/16
- Keyboards [Music and Sound] 10/16/16
- MIDI Controlers [Music and Sound] 10/16/16
- MIDI vs keyboards vs Syths vs Workstations [Music and Sound] 10/16/16
- Pads, Velocity or Bust [Music and Sound] 10/16/16
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