Absolute Zero Return To the starting point: Hypothetical Blog #1
Hypothetical Blog Day 11/29/15
Ok, the plan for the day is to wake up and study sound equipment. I have an interview later today at a music store. I really want to appear knowledgeable for the job. I feel like I have enough knowledge to do a good interview. I just want to make sure to give myself more confidence. When I’m confident in myself ; I know I perform much better in any situation.
Hopefully this meeting won’t be too stressful. I was debating weather I should were dress or casual clothes. I actually am opting against dress clothes, because at these type of jobs every time I do an interview in dress attire, I never get the job. Maybe this shows that I’m trying too hard, I don’t know, but I should just trust the trend. Every time I dress casual I get the job, so casual it is.
I know that if I get the job ; I’m still going to study more products. That’s the type of person I am, If I’m going to have a job I do want to try to give it my best. Jobs aren’t something your entitled to, so you really need to make the most of position. RJ is the same way, though he does seem to add more value than I generally can bring to the table.
Later in the evening I’m going to have to write for Youauthorus. I have a lot of items I need to complete as far as blogs posts, articles, and other music ideas I need to finish. I do music writing and the music landscape changes quickly. There are constantly new song releases and new events. Its important that I keep up to date with everything that is going on.
If I can finish everything I need to get done hopefully I can fit in some time to Bboy. I need the exercise and I haven’t had the time lately. I really want to get that back on its feet.
This is still Absolute Zero Defender of the Universe
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Absolute Zero Return To the starting point: Blog #1
DJ and Audio Engineering
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