Dragon Ball Z :What would happen if Cell fought
Majin Buu after Earth destruction
In Dragon Ball Z, a creature named Cell created by Dr. Gero, hosted a tournament called the Cell Games. If Cell had won his tournament he would’ve destroyed planet Earth. If Cell had destroyed planet Earth with a Ki attack. This would’ve been the first time the Earth was successfully destroyed(at this time period in the series). The destruction of the planet might’ve unsealed Majin Buu. If Majin Buu was unsealed then it would’ve probably eventually fought Cell.
A point can be made that Majin Buu might be too weak to beat Cell because it did not absorb enough energy. Majin Buu in the Buu Arc never absorbed energy while sealed nor did it break the seal once. The energy was gathered specifically to break Majin Buu’s seal. So it is logically possible to assume that it had the same energy amount and capacity regardless when it exited the seal( this is a point in favor of Cell, at this time). So in point if you are lost now, the energy was to break the seal that held Majin Buu but not to increase Majin Buu’s strength. The show or manga never states that this increased Majin Buu’s strength, they only reverse implied that not properly breaking the seal might have interfered with Majin Buu’s power level and form.
Even if somehow Majin Buu’s power was lower than normal and let’s say Majin Buu’s power was around Goku or Vegeta strength level during Cell’s Arc. The advantage would still strongly be with Majin Buu (Gohan‘s energy was used to break the seal on Majin Buu. He was slightly weaker than when he defeated Cell in his Super Perfect State, I am referring to Goku and Vegeta before Gohan even first fought Cell, period).
To keep it simple Majin Buu’s potential power and ability to actualize power is similar to and seemingly greater than Gohan’s.
Gohan barely accessing his hidden powers was enough to defeat Cell. Even when he had his power halved it was still far greater than Cell. Most of his ability against Cell was from the Super Saiyan 2 transformation ,not his hidden potential(Gohan’s power was not fully unleashed on Cell). Majin Buu seems to have an easier time accessing its hidden powers than Gohan. This pretty much leads to a similar outcome of Cell being killed by Majin Buu.
So let’s look at this a bit more closely, Fat Buu’s power is usually stated to be higher than Majin Vegeta, using the Daizenshuu( official DBZ guide, using it as metric despite flaws). Majin Vegeta and Goku have a power level of 10 billion at the start of their fight.
Even if we choose to ignore the Daizenshuu, let’s look at the internal evidence within the story to support Fat Buu’s power being higher than Super Saiyan 2 Majin Vegeta. let’s assume that Vegeta in Super Saiyan 2 and Fat Buu are at similar levels(they can defeat each other). Goku at Super Saiyan 3 has 4X the energy of Vegeta at Super Saiyan 2(he is equal to Vegeta at Super Saiyan 2). Fat Buu gets angry when it was losing its to match the power of Super Saiyan 3 Goku and its power continually increased(happened against Vegeta) with its anger to match Goku in this transformed state(they can defeat each other reasonably at end of fight).
If we return to Cell Arc‘s Vegeta’s highest power level as a Super Saiyan and then we equal Majin Buu to that level of power. It would still be able to increase its power level by about 4x, thus making it far stronger than Cell(Super Perfect Cell).
Majin Buu’s ability to continually grow in power to match and dominate its opponents is definitive feature of its nature. This is displayed in every single Majin Buu fight, even against Majin Buu(Kid Buu). Fat Buu keeps getting stronger and stronger to better match Kid Buu(who also gets stronger and stronger but is innately stronger than Fat Buu). This power means that even a fragmented Majin Buu can still reach levels of power surpassing the original (this is a technicality).
Majin Buu’s ability to grow during a fight and his endless supply of energy are just by themselves a really difficult combination to beat, given how ki mechanics generally work in Dragon Ball. However there is more to the danger of Majin Buu than just this but before this let us explore the endless supply of energy that this creature has.
There are additional reasons why Cell would most likely lose to Majin Buu. A key reason is energy, Cell actually seemed to get tired and given its mechanics of operation it does not have infinite energy. Its supply of energy is not however exactly the same like what we have seen in Dragon Ball so far(not like a normal non cyborg creature, example humans and Saiyans). Cell would recover its energy a lot faster than Goku or Vegeta(two people who fought Fat Buu) but Majin Buu did not seem to run out of energy nor tire. Many of the things Majin Buu did seemed to be purely for comical effect(Buu did run out of energy in Anime against another Buu named Kid Buu).
This means that during the course of battle, Cell would get weaker and Majin Buu would stay the same. Which due to the mechanics of Dragon Ball, would grant an ever growing advantage to Majin Buu. An example of this is when Super Saiyan 3 Goku fights Kid Buu and another example is when Majin Vegeta started to lose his fight with Fat Buu.
Now it is possible for Majin Buu to get tired but this seems to be when he uses his magic powers(see is Majin Buu’s energy endless & What is Majin Buu). The attack that he used repeatedly to get tired was his magic transformation attack. Which changes anything, whether it is alive or not into whatever Majin Buu desires it to be, literally. The fact is that if one of those magic attacks connected with Cell, it will be put in a seriously disadvantageous situation where it is more than likely to be defeated.
The problem for Cell is that once he has achieved his Perfect Form he becomes a very arrogant and haughty which increases the likely hood of him getting hit by this attack. The only person to not be fully effected by the technique was Vegito and he is a partially magical being. This is important because creatures that are innately magically do not seem to be affected by Majin Buu’s attacks fully the same way that non magical creatures are. This is shown in the fusion Majin Buu had with the Grand Supreme Kai. It resulted in a different creature than the previous fusions which weakened and fragmented Majin Buu. Why talk about this? Well, Cell is a non magical creature, so it will have no absolutely no defense against Majin Buu’s magical abilities.
The second major problem for Cell is not Majin Buu’s latent powers. It is Main Buu ability to learn and mimic techniques after seeing them once or a few times. This means its battle skill or library of skills will increase as the fight goes on becoming a greater problem for Cell(remember that Cell has a large library so that helps, but very little).
In Dragon Ball, skill gaps can be overcome with sheer ki power. Which means that if someone has a larger level of ki than another person they are more likely to win the fight. Cell does not have the latent powers that Majin Buu has, however he can absorb people and has a method of Ki Drain to increase his Ki energy levels, in his tail(he also uses this to more quickly recover energy if recharging is taking too long).
Cell ability to absorb victims will mean little against Majin Buu because it has no DNA. Also Majin Buu is a magical being, so it’s highly unlikely ki absorption will work(Magic might be converted to Ki, not like normal living beings). Dragon Ball goes to great lengths to show us that in its universe magic beats ki(why magic beats everything in DBZ).
On the other hand Majin Buu can absorb Cell should it choose to but probably would not because Fat Buu does not fuse with other beings(Fat Buu does not fuse other beings Evil Buu does). Giving Cell some small relief in that area but this does not mean it still will not eat him and absorb him into energy through its magical digestive system.
Majin Buu is not without weakness and Fat Buu (unlike Evil Buu) likes to spam his magic transformation attack. If Cell could dodge enough of those attacks then Majin Buu’s regeneration speed and Ki energy would begin to falter. However unlike Z fighters it is still amazingly durable and pain resilient as expressed in its fight versus Kid Buu when it ran out of energy. This means that even with no energy Majin is more durable than Vegeta (who seems to be the most pain resilient out of the Saiyans).
Given the traits of Majin Buu listed before in is unlikely that Cell would be able to continually dodge these attacks as the fight wore on, even if it had fore knowledge (would’ve fought better). Important to point out that Cell does have a method of gaining information on Majin Buu. However it is very unlikely that it would use it earlier in the fight since it believes itself to be the strongest and the most perfect being in the universe.
Cell has the ability to create Cell Jrs. The Cell Jrs seemed to be about half as strong as Perfect Cell’s introduction state. They also do not possess Cell’s regeneration level, its absorption abilities, nor its mechanical enhancements. They are all seemingly organic, this reproduction seems to be a cross of more its Namakian Genes, then Saibamen, lastly seemingly King Cold and Frieza‘s asexual reproduction as well(other earth organism could exist as well but seem to not be that important).
The Cell Jrs could prove to be a pest to Majin Buu possibly buying Cell time to escape from Majin Buu . However as with the original Cell, the Call Jrs would eventually be killed.
If Cell can perform a Spirit Bomb it’s possible that it(technically) could destroy Majin Buu but doubtful as to whether Cell would be able to convince as many beings as Goku did to lend it their powers. Also the energy must travel to Cell and since It has destroyed Earth.. It would not have enough power to use technique on Majin Buu. Also the energy would take too long to reach Cell from other galaxies and It would die in that time by Majin Buu. (did energy from spirit bomb to defeat Majin Buu come mostly from Z fighters or from other creatures)
Cell destroying planet Earth would probably as can be seen get Cell killed by Majin Buu. There are other problems for Cell beyond Majin Buu.
Should Cell not destroy the Earth or his attack succeed but did not awaken Majin Buu(when he destroyed planet). Cell would eventually run into Babidi and Dabura. (Next fight is Cell vs Dabura and Babidi).
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