My Quick Intro

Fleetwood dressed nice cover

Fleetwood is a rapper to listen to, his music is really solid. He has to me a pretty good range, as a rapper. His Flow is very good, I think he’s easily better than most rappers I hear. To be honest more important than the skills which he obviously has, he is a very good guy. If you really want to contact a rapper and get someone to reach back out to you, Fleetwood is your guy. You have a show and he is going to perform, he is very respectful and does procedure. He doesn’t leave you in a bad spot. I think these are important qualities and if you contact him a bit on social media(Try Facebook) you will see this. It also comes out to me in his music, I think he’s pragmatic and a person that really loves his work. He does music for the right reasons, listen to these two classics and go follow the link to listen to his album. Honestly when I listen to his music, It takes me to a nostalgic place(vibe) but it never takes me all the way dark(bad childhood). I think his music reflects a guy that has been through real things, and has good perspective because he has gain wisdom through life and living. I think its music, everyone can like honestly, from street to feel good.

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If you thought that was it, no…. Its not. Check out a Fleetwood recommended classic.




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