Daddie Notch ( Jah Road )

Daddie Notch ( Jah Road ), rate his music so he can grow as an artist so he can either be a better version of the artist you like now or a can become closer to the artist you want him to be
Daddie Notch cover

support this dude

-What is my recommendation, I would like to have this music receive more comments on Daddie Notch’s accounts. If that happens he can leverage that to get more bloggers and other alternative media to notice him.  I think that would expand the potential audience and also make it easier to share the good music.


maybe its the island connection, but check out Daddie Notch. If you like him, support him, for all the people from the JamRock(Jamaica) or people that love the Jamdown(Jamaica). Then let’s support by listening and leaving our thoughts on criticisms on how we can improve as artist. Its not always about the money, as artist we really want to improve. So let’s do this with Daddie Notch, we need to esp raise the bar of music coming from Jamdown.