This is one of my favorite videos period. I laughed so hard when I saw this. JP’s humor is amazing and right up my path, as he really uses wit to drive points home.
I dated a vegetarian before and I would say and do things very much to this with her friends and family members that were also vegetarians. When I watch this I
I like wine, its nice, its classy unlike beer which you just drink to get drunk.
Wine is like the middle brother between rum and beer. The middle brother who totally took the best of what both brothers do and made his own lane.
An arguable better lane because he made it artisty, and how do you define quality and what is good without artisty people telling you what is good and what is bad.
This is exactly why critics love wine, the middle brother who tells you how bad you are that you can’t tell everything about him with one intake.
“–I had a chance to get Ultra Spiritual with Tony Robbins. I almost died from aliveness. Luckily I didn’t have to reincarnate this time…
-Unless you have an allergy to inspiration, check out the new Netflix documentary on him “I Am Not Your Guru.“–”
#UltraSpiritual #TonyRobbins #IAmNotYourGuru #ButIAm
-Don’t have Netflix well you can go below and watch videos by Tony Robbins or buy some of his material (its really good and its helped me honestly)
– -This is a quick video of positivity from Tony Robbins. Its called MINDSHIFT, its short and it really helps to re-focus you on a positive orientation. Alot of times we are unaware of how negative our environments are or we don’t create micro positive environments. Alot of people say I don’t know really positive people or its hard to stay positive around all the negativity. Well, it really helps if you listen to positive audio and or watch videos like this. If you try it, I am sure it will make a difference in your life
MINDSHIFT by Tony Robbins – Motivational Video
Now we can return to comedy after a short but serious break
Subscribe and or follow JP Spears on Facebook or Youtube, he’s on the Instagram, etc so if you have it he’s probably on it because JP will go to extra lengths to give you the best Instragram yoga shots possible.
‘This is mostly very good advise, I have put some of it to use it my life and It seemed to make those relationships go on way longer. However I probably wasn’t doing it right. I am not as Awakened as JP Spears is, so I just recklessly have to get in more relationships with random people I barely know anything about and learn if I like them or not along the way in a far more complicated relationship.‘
‘However if you want to end a date really fast, I can tell you how to do that in five words, its also ego damagingly funny.‘ Rj Knight
If you can’t take jokes or are PC then maybe you won’t like the joke. You can click the image (or title text) and find out. Like DLC, I have included bonus story that I release in episode format. I mean waste alot of extra and make a more quality product by putting it all in at the beginning. I would be going against the spirit of corporate master/slave culture that consumers so masochistically enjoy.
True Humor : How To Ruin a Date in Five Words
–Please also consider–
- Cyba works so hard
Story series that I am developing that will have random romantic stories that may or not take place in different universes that I have developed and am releasing. Coming really soon have 5 pages of a story about heart break, loss and possible maturity (??).
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