I went to a super dope jam on Saturday 19 of December 2015. The event was the 14th anniversary of Catalyst Hip-Hop. For anyone unfamiliar with Catalyst, they are an organization based out of CrossBridge Church. They have been providing a space for hip-hop culture in the south florida area. Honestly they are one of the most positive organizations I’ve ever been associated with.
They provide a space for Bboys to practice and meet for free. They provide a space for hip-hop and freestyling for free.They are one of the only places outside of skate parks that I’ve seen with public graffiti walls, once again for free.They stick very close to the roots of hip-hop and it’s really appreciated.
The church staff is kind, and they aren’t invasive with their message. They are very respectful and allow you to talk to them at your own pace. (If you want to learn more about the church or get involved with message they are available to help you ). I’ve never felt judged for my beliefs while at catalyst, and they don’t try to censor anything. Everything about the organization is amazing. They are just so authentic with the traditional feeling of hip-hop, it’s wonderful.
To start off the day, Catalyst had an invitational Bboy Jam. Most of the best Bboys from south Florida where in attendance. I met up with the ‘ C.Y.P.H.E.R. fam.’ My boy Laces, Durmo, and Kadeef were all in attendance at the event. I hadn’t seen them in a while so it was good to see them.
The event was outdoors, this is a new thing for Catalyst Hip Hop. They recently purchased a food truck and converted it into a mobile sound system. They had nice PA speakers, a solid sub speaker, and a platform for a DJ to spin on. The truck also featured a custom paint job. I figure one of the graffiti artists they work with probably hooked them up. Its funny because me and RJ were talking about investing in equipment to do mobile concerts. There it was, a better version of what we were already thinking about.
They set up the jam in Tropical Park. The day was nice, not too hot , not too cold. The park was busy, so the event got a good amount of foot traffic. It was nice to see them spreading the culture into the ‘greater‘ community. I always felt like it’s a shame that some of these bboy events aren’t better attended. This will definitely help them raise their local awareness. The event was totally free, which is awesome. They also were giving out free cake and water, the best combination ever.
When I got to the event they had a couple of MC performances,they were really good. The sound quality of the equipment they had really impressed me. Especially the microphones, I could tell they were quality. I know they spared no expense making sure that this truck was quality. It will probably last them a long time since they got good components as well.
Returning to the tournament, it was a 1v1 format. Most of the top Bboys from South Florida where out there. From what I saw , I figured either Zeku, Rated G, or Spindian was going to take the event .
They had open showcase battles to start the event. The event was originally a full invitational, but some people couldn’t attend. They used the battles to fill the remaining slots in the tournament. In fact one of the Bboys who qualified in the open showcase (Kid Ill) made it all the way to semi finals.
Everyone was dope, all the Bboys did their thing. There was a good mixture of styles and approaches.The tournament went mostly how I expected with Zeku, Rated G, Spindian, and Kid Ill in the semi finals. All the battles were incredibly close. People were putting their heart on the floor, and you could tell they were going all out to win. South Florida has talented Bboys, and this was top notch entertainment.
The finals did not disappoint, The event came down too Spindian and Zeku. They are both really young and really talented dancers. the crowd was sucked into the battle and the bboys once again stepped up. Zeku pushed it with his very dynamic power moves and footwork. Spindian killed it with his very technical style. I want to learn some of the moves I saw Spindian doing so I was paying close attention. I’m not going to bite his combos or anything like that. I just want to learn walks.
The finals ended up in a tie. So the competitors had to go into a bonus round. At the end of the competition, Zeku was victorious. This was a dope competition in an amazing location. The people were great, and I’m definitely looking forward to more events.
Releasing 1,3, 2016 at 12 PM, is what a review of the night event
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