” You smell nice, really nice… like a nice and lovely little girl.” The older more aggressive prisoner stepped closer again. “I’m talking to you bitch. Answer me.” The smile never left his face as he spoke. “….,”The younger man still said nothing. “Charles, I’m telling you to answer me. I like to have conversations with my bitches before I fuck’em.” ” The sweetest love comes from getting to know each other. I’m gonna get to know you really good now.” He stepped closer again, the younger man tried create more room by backing away but could not retreat as he was already against the wall in the corner. Seeing the fear seep deeply into the young man delighted Big Mackie and his smile broke into a big sinister grin.
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” You smell nice, really nice… like a nice and lovely little girl.” The older more aggressive prisoner stepped closer again. “I’m talking to you bitch. Answer me.” The smile never left his face as he spoke. “….,”The younger man still said nothing. “————————
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