Animanga Thoughts: The Boy and The Beast
Let’s support the theatrical release even if its not in our area by sharing the theatrical trailer and liking the movie. If we do this we an get investors to consider it worthwhile to invest more money into anime theatrical releases
(Thanks so much, let’s do the best we can to make the changes only we can make)
“Kyuta slips into an alternate universe where he is raised by a bear-man, Kumatetsu. Kyuta is eventually thrust into an adventure which spans both worlds. ”
The Boy and Beast ‘s story seems to be really good, it seems to have some deep symbology and multi-layer aspects in the plot going on. Sadly there doesn’t seem to be any showings(theater viewings) in my area and probably your area if you reside in North America. This is pretty much normal for us that has been in the animanga community for a long time. However there are things I believe we can do as a community, which can make such investments in us worth while.
If we share these trailers, we can show future companies that we are interested in theatrical anime. It makes it easier for companies that has been putting in the work for us for so long like Funimation (thank you Funimation for the re-organization and efforts you have put into the individual and North American animanga market and community) to convince or raise funds to exhibit such releases here.
It may not seem like it now but these changes do happen and they happen when proper support is displayed. I remember when people thought serious comic book movies would never happen but we in the North American comic book community stayed true. We supported the media, which now casual fans feel apart of and want to consume more. Same is true recently with Deadpool‘s success because a year ago, people argued that R rated super hero movies wasn’t possible and or a worth while investment.
Why did these things happen, it happened because of the core fan base. The casual fans come and go like fashion trends but it is the core base’s constant support that allows what they like or love to exist. The extra causal viewer will come by and the numbers will always be a combination of fixed (core fans) plus variable (casual viewers). The same principals exist for animanga, and we know the numbers (fans interested in animanga) are solid because Comic Con popularity marks this.
There has been animanga films in theaters before. When I was a kid, I saw Samurai X on the big screen in a limited viewing. I had already seen it with my brother but watching it on big screen with others was a special experience. It was a moment that made me know that animanga was something that should be on the screen in theaters just like any other type of film. I wanted to make an animanga film, even if it mean a small screening. I remember being outside and also how positively the film was received by others. Some of who had a negative view of anime, until they watched Samurai X. We have the chance to show our support and send market signals that investment in theatrical anime films is worthwhile.
Animanga films are more than worth while right now because when I was a kid, comic book movies was not something that was socialable acceptable for adults. As time passes things change and the change has happened. Even if the trending fashion of superhero movies past by like season, it is not something that will stop being produced because of the imprints made. Animanga films are the next prime area that is ready for market development. It is so wide and prolific in so many aspects of American (north and south of continent) animation and comics(=animanga) that it will be easily received.
Different types of animation have had their social acceptable mark in theater. Lion King, Incredibles, Toy Story, Aladdin, Our care and liking of these tales doesn’t fade with age or popularity with the next life cycle. I can go on and the search results on the internet bare this to be true. when we look out at the landscape we can see the impact animanga films have had, especially with Studio Ghibli’s work. A beacon of pop culture like the Simpsons have made so many animanga references over the years, it is partially hard for me to see why corporate resistance to more investment exist.
I am not writing this to say that we need more corporate investment, because without corporations we can’t have good animanga in theaters, no. I believe we can do alot without massive corporate spending. Most markets are made up of non corporate exchanges, and should be that way(healthy). However corporate exchanges can be more efficient at larger scales and we can do what we can to incentivize an increase in the scales and exchange rates.
When we look at the history of animanga its kinda come full circle form its Disney roots. If we can have so many Disney theatrical films release… why don’t we see more animanga theatrical films? Maybe, I just hit the problem, market competition and government forces. Either way, lets support The Boy and Beast, so that we can have more investment made into our animanga community. Not just for corporate interest but for people like you and me. So that others can see this and go…. I can convince a team of guys to work with me to make this happen(animanga film). So another little kid can leave a theater going that was a really cool animanga film.
Look below to see a list of films that are just only adapted from manga. Most will not get an English release, which is very sad. Its not that a large amount is not being made its just that not even a shallow amount is making its way overseas especially to the North American markets.
List of films based on manga
Thanks to all of you, who continued to view the site in the down time. I mean it was alot, I was surprised and very moved by all your support.(You the Real MVP)
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