Absolute Zero cover

Absolute Zero Return To the starting point: Blog #5 part 2

I’m finally at the starting point. I finally started to get good enough at writing to move forward with the website. So today I met with RJ to get the blog back up. If your reading this than you know the meeting was a success.
Immortal Technique churchhill concert

With the style of hip-hop Immortal Technique  employs it makes having such an intimate crowd play off well. The venue fits about 500 people and once we got parked and got settled it was almost full. The bar had a nice setup. The bar was on one half of the building and the other half  was a dedicated area for a stage. The stage looked really nice, I would love a chance to rock it up there.

I will say this though, from my experience doing sound engineering, the room is not ideal for acoustics. A lot of hard surfaces and sharp angles means that a lot of sound is going to get lost and have echos. I knew that if a MC didn’t come correct on the mic it was going to be hard to understand what they were saying.

The show started with two DJ sets. The first DJ was a local DJ who ran a nice set to just keep the vibe of the event. After about an hour DJ Static (Immortal technique’s DJ) graced the stage and did a really dope set. A lot of classic hip-hop tracks were playing. Big-L, Big Pun, Nas, and Wu-Tang Clan were in heavy rotation. The crowd seemed to really get into the set. I did a little Bboying when I was feeling it.

It took around two hours from the time that I got to the show to get to the opening acts. The local openers were alright. I felt a bad for them that the sound wasn’t better. It made it really hard to understand what they were saying.

The first opener was energetic and passionate. His set involved him moving and dancing, he seemed good. Unfortunately it was really hard to understand his lyrics, and some crowd members were spacing out a bit. The second opener did a set completely in Spanish. He sounded like he was good, but I focus so much on lyrics it was really hard for me to connect with the guy. That was it for the local openers, everyone one else on the bill was touring with Immortal Technique.

So four hours into the show Hasan Salaam and Poison Pen came on. I had never heard of Hasan Salaam before, but he was pretty good. He had an S&M exhibition going on during his set involving a model being suspended from a rig they set up on stage, it was pretty interesting. His music was pretty dope as well, he had a conscious vibe but he still kept his set fun, very enjoyable.

I’ve heard Poison Pen before, but I wasn’t super familiar with his music. I know I’ve heard him a tracks with Immortal Technique and Doom, but the dude was incredibly dope live. In fact he makes me think of him as a fusion between MF Doom and Ghostface. He has that New York delivery, but his punchlines are naturally hilarious. I was loving his set, but I don’t think the crowd was as into the set as me and RJ were, Oh well their loss.

So to move on, all that was left was the man of the hour, Immortal Technique. The problem was the crowd was tired at this point. The show had been running for six hours and Immortal Technique hadn’t made it onto the stage. I wasn’t sure how much energy the crowd was going to have left.

Those concerns quickly faded as Immortal Technique made it onto the stage.  He shut shit down, sounded polished and he was smooth on the mic.  He really knew how to work the crowd and play off them. At one point people were going crazy just to catch his sweat rag. He performed all his most signature songs “Leaving the Past“, “Point of No Return“, “Peruvian Coke“, and  “Dance With The Devil” to close.  He had the crowd going crazy, this was high grade entertainment. Even though other people had problems being understood, I could hear every word Immortal Technique said clearly. I’ve never seen a crowd so connected to a performer like that. The show was crazy.

People really seem to fuck with Immortal Technique. The show as like seven hours. This is definitely the longest concert I’ve been to in a venue of this size. I can’t complain about the ticket costs because Immortal Technique gave hours of entertainment to justify it. Its dope to see a dude like that putting in so much work.

That was pretty much the day. I took RJ home and drove back home in the rain. Tomorrow I knew I would need to wake up early and deal with this car situation.




*Editor note: Date Blog was actually penned was 12/02/15 – 12/03/15

*Editor note: Alot of work on the blog series to stack them, so this time we can reduce stop and start problem, additionally it is being released on specific dates. Also I am doing less corrections to keep more of Absolute Zero’s feeling and most importantly speed up time.

New Blog post being released Sunday (bonus Blogs can be released through week if metrics are met)

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Absolute Zero Return To the starting point: Blog #5 part 2

Immortal Technique churchhill concert

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