Absolute Zero cover

Absolute Zero Return To the starting point: Blog #4

I’m finally at the starting point. I finally started to get good enough at writing to move forward with the website. So today I met with RJ to get the blog back up. If your reading this than you know the meeting was a success.

Close up of businessman sleeping on desk
Close up of businessman sleeping on desk

Man my sleep schedule is messed up. I woke up today at 4 AM to write more blog entries. I didn’t even plan to go to sleep. I feel asleep writing at my desk. I woke up at like midnight and slid into my bed. I might be borderline narcoleptic. I can fall asleep almost anywhere.  At least I’ve never fallen asleep while driving.

Today was spent doing errands, by 9 AM I was out the door and getting a ton of paper work done. This wasn’t fun, sometimes you just have things you have to get signed. I’ve been putting this all off so it was either now or never. Deadlines are definitely motivators in life, I try my best to keep them.

After I did that, it was one of those days where everyone was asking me for favors. I’m not complaining too much about it; I was glad to help them. It was just a situation where multiple people were pulling me to do things in multiple directions. It took my a while to get through everything but I made it.

human fall2 copy


By the time I was done everything, it was already 8 PM. Time goes too fast when your busy. I had a talk with RJ, As usual the conversation always strays to deep concepts.  This conversation was mostly about the nature of man and how negativity can be constricting. Negativity breading further negativity destroying everything around its self.

Immortal Technique churchhill concert

After I finished talking to RJ I purchased the tickets for the Immortal Technique concert on Thursday. This should be dope, I’ve always been a big fan of Immortal Technique and I’ve never seen him in person. Apparently this is connected to Art Bassel so I’m interested to see what type of people show up to this event.




This is still Absolute Zero Defender of the Universe

*Editor note: Date Blog was actually penned was 12/01/15

*Editor note: Alot of work on the blog series to stack them, so this time we can reduce stop and start problem, additionally it is being released on specific dates. Also I am doing less corrections to keep more of Absolute Zero’s feeling and most importantly speed up time.

New Blog post being released Sunday (bonus Blogs can be released through week if metrics are met)

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Thanks, see Y’all in Space

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