Absolute Zero Return To the starting point: Blog #1
I’m finally at the starting point. I finally started to get good enough at writing to move forward with the website. So today I met with RJ to get the blog back up. If your reading this than you know the meeting was a success.
Unfortunately I was a Black Friday shopper. In fact I started early. On Thanksgiving evening I was in Best Buy with a crowd of people, trying to take advantage of sales.
I couldn’t get everything I needed on Thanksgiving. So I had to go out again on Black Friday. I actually didn’t have a problem with the shoppers in the store. Everyone was pretty chill and the lines were long. That I expected, and was prepared for, I had more of a problem with the traffic. It felt like all of Miami was stuck in gridlock.
There I was on Saturday adding a word processor and Adobe Reader to my mom’s computer. She had a store bought computer with Windows 10. So I had to spend a lot of time taking off all the unnecessary programs that come with the computer. I didn’t expect to do that, I was only supposed to add software. In the end taking programs off took up most of the time.
After I got my mom’s computer where it needed to be, I ate some breakfast. It’ the most important meal of the day, you shouldn’t skip it. Then I headed out the door to meet up with RJ. It was around 11:00 AM. I got to the meeting spot early so I took some time to write some Mike’s Thoughts. I was outside and its currently the nicest time window to be outside in Miami. November means that its not blistering heat outside. I was able to relax without sweating though my shirt. More importantly their are no mosquitoes in the winter months. These Miami mosquitoes don’t play.
Soon RJ met up with me. We had an interesting conversation about dreams. Me and RJ have vivid dreams. We have the type of dreams that we could often mistake for reality. This makes you really wonder if this reality is…..real.
While I was talking to RJ and questioning my existence; I actually got a job offer. I might be working at a music store. This is good I’ve been looking for a job and working in selling music equipment seems fun. I’ve done some work as a sound engineer and DJ, so I should have enough expertise to do the job well. I also need some more audio equipment so this might be a real good thing for me.
After I got the good news about the job, me and RJ had to leave the location were were at. In the process we thought we saw a good friend. We stopped by to say hi to her. It turns out, it wasn’t actually her. It was just a look alike. RJ seems to be seeing this girl everywhere so I was wondering if he is just projecting his thoughts instead of actually seeing her.
That was pretty much the day. Me and RJ just talked and worked for a while. None of the open mics are up at the moment for the holidays. I’m going to get my music grind back soon. I’ll let you know where you can find me.
New Blog post being released Sunday and Wednesday(bonus Blogs can be released through week if metrics are met)
This is still Absolute Zero Defender of the Universe
*Editor note: Date Blog was actually penned was 11, 28, 2015
*Editor note: Alot of work on the blog series to stack them, so this time we can reduce stop and start problem, additionally it is being released on specific dates. Also I am doing less corrections to keep more of Absolute Zero’s feeling and most importantly speed up time.
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Thanks, see Y’all in Space
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